I. ˈchärt, -ȧt, usu -d.+V noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle French charte map, charter, from Latin charta document, piece of papyrus — more at card
a. obsolete : map
b. : an outline map for conveying information about something other than the purely geographic
a chart of temperature variations
a chart showing military maneuvers
a chart of the town lots
c. : a hydrographic map : a map on which is projected a portion of water and usually adjacent or included land intended especially for use by navigators
the United States Coast Survey charts
the British Admiralty charts
d. : a small-scale representation of an area of the earth's surface, its culture and relief, and various aeronautical aids intended for use in air navigation
2. archaic : charter , grant , deed
3. archaic : card , playing card
4. : a form designed to record or provide information quickly and simply especially about something fluctuating or changing : table , graph , diagram
a chart of rainfall for the past year
a chart of price changes
a clinical chart for a hospital patient
5. : a summary of a racehorse's form
II. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
1. : to make a map or chart of : record or indicate by map, chart, outline, or graph : delineate
the 1728 expedition that charted the dividing line between the two colonies — American Guide Series: North Carolina
above the boiling cloud cap of a hurricane, an Air Force plane charts the size of the disturbance — New York Times Magazine
2. : to lay out a plan for typically in orderly outline : plan , project
we have charted the course to a stable world peace — H.S.Truman
Churchill and Roosevelt met to chart strategy — New York Times Magazine
III. noun
1. : a listing by rank (as of sales) — often used in plural
number one on the charts
2. : a musical arrangement for an ensemble or a part in such an arrangement