I. (ˈ)dī|namik, -mēk sometimes də̇ˈn- adjective
also dy·nam·i·cal -mə̇kəl, -mēk-
Etymology: French dynamique, New Latin dynamicus, & German dynamisch, from Greek dynamikos powerful, from dynamis power (from dynasthai to be able) + -ikos -ic, -ical
1. in Kantianism : relating to the grounds or reasons for the existence of a sense presentation
the dynamic categories of relation
a. : of or relating to power : relating to physical force or energy
the dynamic theory of heat
b. : of or relating to dynamics : of or relating to forces producing motion : active — compare potential , static
3. : functional 1b (1)
a dynamic disease
a. : characterized by continuous movement, advance, or expansion
a dynamic economy
a dynamic population
: characterized by continuous change
an unstable dynamic age
or tending to produce change
the dynamic force of technology
: having or relating to a nonphysical force or energy
every social behavior pattern … contains a dynamic component — S.F.Nadel
: forceful , energetic
a dynamic personality
b. : having reference to change or behavior
the dynamic relationship between man and institutions — Abram Kardiner
specifically : relating to a system or culture marked by continuous alteration and a resulting lack of equilibrium of its elements
a dynamic system like a human individual or social group — H.V.Dicks
c. : characterized by a concern with or interest in cultural change or process and the patterns of cultural change
wrote social history of the static sort, as opposed to the dynamic interpretative variety — J.B.Hedges
a. : producing an effect of energetic movement or progression
a dynamic line
dynamic brushwork
b. : characterized by an aesthetic equilibrium of parts which considered separately are unstable
6. : taking time into account as an explicit factor in economic processes so that variables at different points in time are functionally related
7. : characterized by variations of accent dependent on variation in force of expiration or stress — compare expiratory , stress accent
8. : relating to volume of musical sound or to relative loudness and softness
the dynamic range of the piano
• dy·nam·i·cal·ly -mə̇k(ə)lē, -mēk-, -li adverb
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: probably from French dynamique, from dynamique, adjective
a. : dynamics 2a
convert its dynamic of grievance and discontent into revolutionary class struggle — A.L.Locke
b. : a particular dynamic force
the generative force, the historical dynamic of their country — Archibald MacLeish
2. : dynamics 3
III. adjective
of random-access memory : requiring periodic refreshment of charge in order to retain data