ˈleŋ(k)th, ˈlen(t)th noun
( plural lengths -ths, ˈleŋks)
Etymology: Middle English lengthe, from Old English lengthu (akin to Old Frisian lengethe length, Middle Dutch lengede, lengde, Old Norse lengd ), from lang, long long + -thu -th — more at long
a. : the longer of the 2 straight-line dimensions of a surface or plane or the longest of the 3 straight-line dimensions of a solid : extent from end to end — distinguished from width
the island was three miles in length
b. : a distance or dimension expressed in units of linear measure
a length of 10 inches
c. : the quality or state of being long — opposed to shortness
weariness and boredom exaggerated the length of the journey
d. : wavelength
a. : duration or extent in time
doesn't seem to prove much, considering the lengths of the lives of both women — Elizabeth Bishop
stood weaving on his feet for the length of a long breath — F.B.Gipson
finally the length of the high school was standardized … at four years — T.H.Briggs
(1) : relative duration of a sound (as a vowel or syllable in speech or prosody or a note in music)
(2) : protracted duration or stress of a sound in speech, prosody, or music
the long a gives the word sale its length
c. archaic : prolixity or excess in expression
there is such length in grief — Shakespeare
a. : distance or extent in space
it would be hard, even in New England, to match Main Street for its length of 18th century square houses — Elizabeth Coatsworth
appeared dimly white round a distant bend of the dusty road, a weary length behind — Haldane Macfall
(1) : the measure of something taken as a unit of distance
darted across the highway scarcely two car lengths ahead of me
kept most of his acquaintances at arm's length
(2) : the length of a competitor (as a horse or boat) taken as a unit in stating the margin of a lead or of victory in a race
he led by three lengths at the top of the stretch
(3) : the fully extended body
stretched her length lazily on the warm earth
took a hard right on the jaw and measured his length on the floor
a. chiefly Scotland : an indicated or specified distance
I'll go with you the length to the hall
b. : the degree, limit, or extreme to which a course of action or a line of thought or discussion is carried
tended to carry his policy of masterly inactivity to dangerous lengths — Harvey Graham
even went the length of reading the play … to ascertain what it was all about — G.B.Shaw
here we see the foolish lengths to which human malevolence will go — Norman Douglas
a. : a long expanse or stretch
brushed her lengths of lustrous hair
large lengths of seas and shores between my father and my mother lay — Shakespeare
b. : a piece constituting or usable as part of a whole or of a connected series : segment , section
steel bars are furnished in standard shapes and sizes, in both coils and straight lengths — advt
short lengths of film with both ends spliced together to permit continuous repetition — W.F.Mackey
a. : fluidity
b. : ability to yield a fluid mixture — compare oil length
7. archaic : a 42-line portion of an actor's part
8. : the volume of wort drawn from a quantity of malt during brewing
9. : the holding of more than a player's proportionate share of the cards of one suit in a card game (as four or more at bridge)
he had length in trumps
a. : the distance an especially well pitched ball in cricket travels before hitting the ground
bowled a good length
pitched the ball a fraction short of a length — Ray Robinson
b. : the distance to be shot in archery
11. : the vertical dimension of an article of clothing especially with reference to the part of the body it reaches or its height above the floor
stockings are made in three lengths
evening dresses in short and long lengths
knee- length pants
a hip- length jacket
a floor- length gown
- at length