I. ˈset, usu -ed.+V verb
( set ; set ; setting ; sets )
Etymology: Middle English setten, from Old English settan; akin to Old High German sezzen to set, Old Norse setja, Gothic satjan; causative from the root of English sit
transitive verb
a. : to cause to sit : make assume a sitting position or attitude
b. : to place in or on a seat
set a man on horseback
set a king on a throne
c. archaic : to seat in readiness for an activity
were set to cards — W.M.Thackeray
when he was set , his disciples came unto him — Mt 5:1 (Authorized Version)
a. : to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them
b. : to put (eggs) into a nest for a fowl to hatch or into an incubator
3. : to place (oneself) in a position to start running in a race
4. chiefly Scotland : to be becoming to : suit
this bonnet sets me — J.M.Barrie
a. : to put to stay in place : place with care or deliberate purpose
set a lamp on the table
set a ladder against the wall
set a stone on a grave
set a figure on a pedestal
b. : to fix (a plant) in the ground
set fruit trees
— often used with out
set out seedlings
(1) : to put (as a trap or snare) in a proper condition or position to catch prey
(2) : to force point and barb of (a hook) into the jaw of a fish
(1) : to put aside (as dough) to rise
(2) : to fill (a fermenter or yeast tub) with mash, yeast, and other ingredients for distilling and to adjust the contents to the proper temperature for fermentation
e. : to place so as to have relation to something or someone
dainty dish to set before a king
set a light at each window
6. : to direct with fixed attention and preoccupation
had set his heart on going with us
you can solve this problem if you set your mind to it
a. archaic : to fix in writing : phrase
b. : to place in a particular location or relation in a writing : put down : enter — used with down
set down all the items in one column
all the happenings set down in his diary
8. : to cause to assume a specified condition, relation, or occupation
when the slaves were set free
made a raft and set it afloat
set him over the rest as a foreman
9. : to appoint or assign to an office or duty : post , station
set pickets around the camp
the order to set the first watch came at 8 o'clock
10. : to cause to assume a specified posture or position
set the chair back on its feet
set the door ajar
his age sets him apart from the others
set him astride a horse and led him away
a. : to fix as a distinguishing imprint, sign, or appearance
the years have set their mark on him
I do set my bow in the cloud — Gen 9:13 (Authorized Version)
b. archaic : attach
set feathers to thy heels — Shakespeare
c. : affix
my will to which I set my hand and seal
d. : apply
set pen to paper
set the horn to his lips
set spurs to his horse
set a match to the pile of leaves
12. : to play (a domino) to begin a game
a. : to fix or decide upon as a time, limit, or regulation : prescribe
set a wedding day
set certain conditions as part of the bargain
set bounds to ambition
b. : to lay or mark off (a line) in surveying or drafting
c. : to take the bearings of (as a landfall)
set a landmark
d. obsolete : to inflict as a burden or penalty : impose
e. : to establish by authority : decree
once the rules had been set there was no changing them
14. dialect Britain : rent , lease
15. obsolete : to put in order : settle
a. : to establish as the highest level or best performance
set a record for the half mile
sets a new record for government spending
b. : to furnish as a pattern or model
set an example of generosity
let another runner set the pace
set the fashion for epic poems
preferred to work on lines set by his predecessors
c. : to give a pitch to (a melody) for singing : start by fixing the keynote
set a psalm
d. : to allot or appoint as a task or portion of work
three books were set to be read by the class during the term
he was set the task of finding a way to balance the budget
the home team was set 75 runs to win the cricket match
a. : to put into a desired position, adjustment, or condition
set a thermostat at 70
set the camera lens for a long range shot
brought the car to a stop and set the brake
b. : to pull (a bell) into the position of standing inverted ready for a full stroke
c. : to fix (a combination of pipe-organ stops) so that the pushing of a piston will throw an entire combination
d. : to restore to normal position or connection when dislocated or fractured
set a broken bone
e. obsolete : to set up : erect , raise
f. : to spread to the wind
set the sails of a ship
g. obsolete : to dispose tactically for battle
a. : to put in order for immediate use
the table was set for three
set a place for a guest
set a lathe for screw cutting
b. : to provide (as words, verses) with melody and instrumental accompaniment
set a sonnet to music
also : to adapt (a melody) to a text
the same prevailing tunes … were customarily set to native American folksongs — S.P.Bayard
c. : to make scenically ready for a performance
set the scene
set the stage
(1) : to arrange (type) for printing
set type by hand
(2) : to put into type or typographic characters (as on film)
set the word in caps
a book set by computer
e. : to position (an insert) when tipping into the sections of a book usually so as to correct bad margins
19. also sett “ : to determine the fineness of texture of (a fabric) before weaving
a. : to put a fine edge on (a cutting blade) by grinding or honing
set a razor
b. : to shape (metal) with a set hammer
c. : to bend slightly the tooth points of (a saw) alternately in opposite directions to widen the kerf and so prevent sticking
d. : to adjust (a measuring instrument) to a desired position
set a pair of calipers to size on a rule
e. : to fix the iron of (a carpenter's plane) in position so as to take off the desired thickness of shaving
f. : to sink (a nailhead) below the surface
21. : to dispose (a specimen) for preservation and examination
set an insect
22. : to make (a dye or color) fast
23. : to put the finishing coat on
plaster, float, and set a wall
24. : to wave, curl, or arrange (hair) by wetting (as with a wave solution) and drying (as with heat)
a. : to cover or border or surround with plants
set the grounds with trees and bushes
a parkway set with sycamores
b. : to adorn with something affixed or infixed : stud , dot
the house was set about with fir trees
clear sky set with stars
(1) : to fix (as a precious stone) in a border of metal : place in a setting
set a diamond in a ring
(2) : to place in or amid something that serves as a setting
set glass in a sash
(3) : to arrange (artificial teeth) upon a plate
26. obsolete : to fix upon or watch with a view to theft
a. : to hold something in regard or esteem at the rate of — used with by
sets a great deal by daily exercise
b. obsolete : assume , suppose
c. : to place in a relative rank or category
set duty before pleasure
justly set the gem above the flower — Alexander Pope
d. : to fix at or adjust to a certain amount
set bail at $500
set the price higher
e. : wager , stake
I have set my life upon a cast — Shakespeare
f. : value , rate — used with at
I do not set my life at a pin's fee — Shakespeare
his promises were set at naught after so many betrayals
g. archaic : to rate for assessment
blamed for setting so wealthy a man at so low a rate — T.B.Macaulay
h. : to place as an estimate of something's worth
set a high value on every man's life
i. : estimate
fire losses were set at a million dollars
28. : to place in relation for comparison or balance
when theory is set against practice
after setting our gains against our losses
a. : to direct to action : put into activity
set the children to raking leaves
set a thief to catch a thief
wind the clock and set it running
b. : to incite to attack
set the dogs on an intruder
or antagonism
war that sets brother against brother
a. : to place by transporting
set ashore on the island
a ferry set them across the river
b. : to put in motion
set the tongues a-wagging
set the bells a-ringing
c. : to bring by imparting motion
a current set us to the northward
stern started to swing with the tide, setting the vessel toward a submerged wreck — All Hands
d. : to put and fix in a direction
set our faces toward home once more
e. of a dog : to point out the seat or position of (as a bird) by holding a fixed attitude
31. : to adjust in conformity with some standard
set his watch by the radio time signal
32. : to propel (a boat) by poling
33. : to defeat (an opponent or his contract) in bridge : cause to go down
a. : to fix firmly : make immobile : give rigid form or condition to
set his jaw in renewed determination to win
set her lips firmly and shook her head
b. : to make unyielding or obstinate
set his mind against all appeals
a. archaic : to cause or allow to get stuck
b. dialect : to put into a confusing or embarrassing position : check , stump
36. : to cause to settle or convert into a solid form
set milk for cheese
set jelly by adding pectin
37. : to cause (fruit or seed) to develop
the peaches failed to set fruit
some varieties do not set seed under cultivation
a. : to straighten (a bow or arrow) by heating, correcting the deformity, and quickly cooling
b. : to fix (leather) by stretching
39. : to treat (viscose) so as to cause precipitation of cellulose
40. : to fix the form or shape of (a synthetic fabric) as with heat or chemicals
intransitive verb
1. chiefly dialect : sit
2. : to be becoming : be suitable : fit
his behavior does not set well with his years
3. of a fowl : to cover and warm eggs to hatch them : brood
4. : to become lodged or fixed — used with on or upon
the pudding set heavily on his stomach
5. of a blossom, fruit, or seed : to adhere to a parent plant and initiate growth or normal development as a result of a stimulus (as pollination)
6. : to settle and become attached
spawning and setting of oysters
a. of a heavenly body : to pass below the horizon : go down : decline
the sun sets later now
— opposed to rise
b. : to sink out of sight : come to an end : pass away
8. : to place plants or shoots in the ground : plant
in some cases setting is preferable to sowing
a. obsolete : to make a stake or wager : bet
b. : to make the first play in a game of dominoes
a. chiefly dialect : to begin to move : set out : set forth
b. : to apply oneself to some activity
set to work to finish the job
a. : to have a specified direction in motion : flow , tend
the current sets to the north
the wind was setting from Pine Hill to the farm — Esther Forbes
b. : to have a trend : gather headway in a definite direction
art is setting against modernism
12. of a dog : to indicate the position of game by crouching or pointing
13. : to dance face to face with another in a square dance — used usually with to
set to your partner and turn
a. : to become fixed or rigid ; specifically : to become more solid or hardened (as by chemical action or by cooling or drying)
use up the cement before it sets
this ink sets rapidly
b. of cream : to rise and settle at the top
c. of milk : curdle
d. of a dye or color : to become fast or permanent
a. of a bone : to become whole by knitting
b. of metal : to acquire a permanent twist or bend from strain
16. of a balance wheel : to stop swinging
put , place , lay , dispose , stow , deposit : set suggests the putting of a person or thing firmly in a specified place, condition, or relationship
bring these fellows into the country, or set them aboard ship — R.L.Stevenson
set all her hopes in the son, particularly in her oldest — Franz Alexander
some new apprentice … may turn out in the end to be either a bungler or an enemy, and set the whole appliance out of gear — B.N.Cardozo
put applies to a motion or action placing a person or thing in an indicated situation or condition
putting somebody else in a comfortable chair and making him listen to their efforts — Barrett Wendell
proceedings in the lower courts were put on the same footing as proceedings in the higher ones — B.N.Cardozo
the Gospels, especially the apocryphal, were put into Old French — H.O.Taylor
place may suggest a preciseness or considered intent lacking in put
church buildings along Main Street are placed some distance back, but the commercial buildings abut the sidewalks — American Guide Series: New Hampshire
efforts were directed to placing his young friend where his talents could find a steady market — H.S.Canby
lay may convey the notion that the thing moved has been put into a flat position, one compatible with reclining rather than standing
the lacquered services are laid upon the matting before them by maidens whose bare feet make no sound — Lafcadio Hearn
Apollo has not laid aside his bow, nor Neptune his trident — William Hazlitt
dispose is likely to suggest considered or calculated placing and arranging
orchids had been conspicuously disposed in various receptacles — Edith Wharton
numerous auxiliary regiments, foot and horse, which were disposed over the hill-country — Jacquetta & Christopher Hawkes
stow is likely to suggest compact or neat and convenient placing, storing, packing
air out the cabin and stow away our winter supplies — Willa Cather
roomy enough for a skillful packer to stow a two-week supply of clothes in — New Yorker
deposit may suggest either careful and attentive placing or putting away as in a cache or, in the natural sciences, letting fall to accumulate
two copies of each measure are printed on special vellum … to be deposited in the Public Record Office — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink
took off the silk hat … and deposited it on the front seat of the cab — Joseph Conrad
deposits more or less of the matter which it holds in suspension — T.H.Huxley
fix , settle , establish : set suggests to put in place, maybe as a definite and final placing, forming, or making
the patristic system of dogma with the antique philosophy set the forms of medieval expression — H.O.Taylor
fix is likely to suggest stability and permanence
his character, his tastes and his private way of life also are during these years pretty well fixed — J.W.Krutch
slowly his place in the McCoy household had been fixed — Sherwood Anderson
settle implies finality and permanence
both English and French have been settled in their present form roughly since the eighteenth century — Times Literary Supplement
establish on the other hand is likely to connote a combination first of placing and forming and second of furthering and fostering until the thing in question is stable and permanent
by distinguishing what the author assumes from what he establishes through arguments — M.J.Adler
enlarging our personality by establishing new affinities and sympathies with our fellowmen, with nature, and with God — W.R.Inge
- set about
- set abroad
- set apart
- set aside
- set a sponge
- set at
- set at defiance
- set at naught
- set by the ears
- set cock a hoop
- set eyes on
- set flying
- set foot in
- set forth
- set forward
- set home
- set light by
- set naught by
- set on
- set one back
- set one's cap for
- set one's face against
- set one's hand to
- set on foot
- set sail
- set store by
- set taut
- set the palette
- set the temperament
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English sett, from past participle of setten to set — more at set I
a. : situated , located
a house set on a hilltop
b. : fixed in place
eyes set deep in his head
2. : intent , determined — used with on or upon
set upon going
set on becoming a doctor
3. : pitched
set battle
4. : fixed by authority or appointment
work at a set wage
: prescribed, specified
set forms of worship
set hours of study
set rules of procedure
5. of a style of handwriting : precise, clear, and even
the indictment … which in a set hand fairly is engrossed — Shakespeare
6. : deliberately conceived, composed, or expressed : intentional , premeditated
did it of set purpose
dislike of set speeches
railed on Lady Fortune … in good set terms — Shakespeare
7. : assigned, required
asked to prepare a talk on a set subject
reading set books in preparation for examinations
a. : not open to persuasion or argument : reluctant to change : obstinate
an old man very set in his ways
b. chiefly dialect : disposed or resolved either by natural inclination or act of will
set to lead a virgin's life to my death — Philip Sidney
a. : fixed in position or attitude : immovable , rigid
set line of his jaw
set frown
read in measured, set tones
b. : built-in
10. : remaining unchanged : settled , persistent
set defiance
set rains
a. : prepared , ready
all set for an early morning start
the storm broke before we could get set for it
b. : securely balanced for delivering a blow
continual jabbing kept his opponent from getting set for a good punch
change of pace keeps the batter from getting set
c. : poised to start running or to dive in at the instant the signal is given
ready, set , go
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English set, sett, sette, partly from sett, past participle of setten to set; partly from setten to set; in some senses, from or influenced in meaning by obsolete sette religious body, sect, from Middle French, from Latin secta — more at set , sect I
1. : the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon
that will be ere the set of sun — Shakespeare
2. or sett ˈset Scots law : the constitution of a burgh
3. obsolete : state of being stopped : standstill , check
a. : the first play in the game of dominoes
b. : the first domino played
5. : an instance of being defeated at a contract in bridge
tried for an overtrick at the risk of a set
6. : dead set
a. : the hardening or solidifying of a plastic or liquid substance by chemical action (as of mortar, concrete, cement) or by cooling and drying (as of glue)
b. : the chemical and physical action causing a paint or varnish to become dry and firm
c. : the property of an enamel slip that enables it to form an adherent layer on a metal surface
a. : mental inclination, tendency, or habit : bent
a definite set toward mathematical reasoning
b. : a state of preparedness usually of limited duration for action in response to an anticipated stimulus or situation
mental set which functions in blocking all responses except those suited to the occasion — Arthur Weider
motor set produced by lifting a weight
9. : direction of flow
against the set of the current
the set of public opinion was now strongly toward peace
the current had a northeasterly set
10. : form or carriage of the body or of its parts
formidable set of his shoulders
graceful set of her head
11. : the manner of fitting or of being placed or suspended
carefully adjusting the set of her hat
a. : amount of deflection from a straight line
set of an axle
set of a saw's teeth
or level position
set of a gun aimed for distance
b. : the camber of a curved roofing tile
c. : the camber of a leaf spring
13. : fixed direction of growth
rubbing against the set of the fur
a. : a permanent bend or loss in elasticity
set in a bow
set of a fishing rod
b. : permanent change of form (as of metal) due to repeated or excessive stress — compare fatigue , permanent set
a. : the act of arranging hair by curling or waving when wet with water or wave solution
b. : the result of such arranging
16. : the act or position of a dog in setting game
17. also sett
a. : a young plant or rooted cutting ready for setting out
a set of a strawberry
b. : a small tuber or section of tuber, bulb, or corm
an onion set
potato set
c. : the amount of bloom produced on a plant
d. : the blossoms of a plant (as a fruit tree) that have set fruit as a result of fertilization of the flowers
heavy set of apples
e. : the attachment of young mollusks (as oysters) to the substrate ; also : the crop set at a particular time
18. obsolete : a pleat in a ruff ; also : the manner in which a ruff is pleated
19. : the burrow of a badger
20. : a trap or snare placed to catch game
visit each set daily
21. also sett : shot 1d, 4
22. : the width of the shank of a piece of type ; also : the overall width of a letter — compare point-set , unit-set ; see type illustration
23. also sett
a. : a piece placed temporarily upon the head of a pile that cannot be reached directly by the weight or hammer
b. : set hammer
c. : punch III 1a(3)
d. : snap 11a
24. : the artificially constructed setting in which a stage or television play or motion picture is enacted including decor, properties, and furniture
25. also sett : a rectangular block of granite or sandstone used for paving streets and truck highways
26. : set iron
27. : the finishing coat of plaster
a. : the contents of a fermenting vat just after all ingredients have been added
b. : the pH value of a freshly filled fermenter
29. : set shot
30. : setup 6g
a. : a unit in a tennis match consisting of a group of games of which one side wins six to opponent's four or less or in case of a deuced score wins two consecutive games
b. : a combination of three or more playing cards of the same rank or of the same suit in sequence : meld
32. : a number of things naturally connected by location
set of muscles
set of footprints
or formation
set of teeth
or order in time
set of temperature readings
33. : a collection of books forming a unit: as
a. : the works of one author issued in volumes in uniform style
b. : a file of issues of a periodical
c. : a group of related works on a particular subject or of unrelated volumes printed uniformly and intended to be sold as a group
34. : a number of associated buildings or rooms
set of farm buildings
35. : the eggs laid by a bird for a single incubation or brood : clutch
a. : the number of persons necessary for a square dance
b. : the formation assumed by a group of dancers to start a square dance
c. : a balancing step in country-dance usually done by partners face to face
d. : the music played for a single turn of square, country, or ballroom dancing
between sets … balladeer sings folk songs — New Yorker
37. : a group of musical compositions forming a whole
set of dances
38. : a team of matched horses
a. : a group of articles of uniform design
set of dining room furniture
set of dishes
b. : the complete apparatus or equipment used in a particular process (as gas manufacture)
c. : an assortment of tools or instruments of identical kind
set of drill bits in graded sizes
or complementary relationship
set of drafting tools
set of carpenter's tools
set of golf clubs
d. : a complete collection of articles necessary for playing a game
croquet set
chess set
e. Britain : a string of railway cars of the same exterior style
f. : a group of pumps that are used for lifting water from one level to another
g. : a group comprising breaker, intermediate, and finisher cards used in wool carding
40. : a heavy timber frame for supporting the sides of an excavation, shaft, or tunnel
41. also sett : a standard measurement of the fineness of cloth usually determined by the number of threads in one inch and the number of threads in each dent of the reed
a. : a number of persons associated by custom, occupation, social activity, or age ; collectively : the persons of a specified social type
belonged to the horsy set
the younger married set
b. : a number of associated workers : gang
c. : a small breeding group of domestic animals ; especially : a gander and one or more geese
a. : a series of postage stamps
b. : a group of postage stamps including the lower denominations of a single series
a. : a group formed by classification
set of ideas
set of grammatical forms
b. : a collection of things and especially mathematical elements (as numbers or points) — called also class
45. : an apparatus of electrical or electronic components assembled so as to function as a unit
radio set
television set
amplifying set
sending set
46. : the chromosome complement of a gamete
47. : twelve-tone row