I. ˈvȯis noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English voice, vois, from Old French vois, voiz, from Latin voc-, vox; akin to Latin vocare to call, Old High German gi wahanen to mention, remember, gi waht mention, fame, Old Norse vāttr witness, vātta to witness, affirm, Greek epos word, opa (accusative) voice, Sanskrit vāk voice, vakti he says
a. : sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx or syrinx, and various buccal structures
the chorused voices of the birds
especially : sound so produced by human beings (as in speaking, singing, crying, or shouting)
(1) : the musical sound produced by the vocal cords and resonated by the various cavities of head and throat and differing chiefly from voice in speaking in the greater prolongation of vowel sounds on definite pitches
(2) : the power or ability to produce musical tones
have a voice
train the voice
(3) : singer
the great voices of an age
(4) also voice part : one of the melodic parts in a vocal or instrumental composition
the bass voice of a fugue
(5) : condition of the vocal organs with respect to the production of especially musical tones
be in good voice
(6) : the use of the voice in singing, acting, public speaking
study voice
classes in voice
c. : expiration of air with the vocal cords drawn close so as to vibrate audibly (as in uttering vowels and such consonant sounds as v or z) — compare breath 7, voiceless , whisper
d. : the organs by which uttered sound is produced
strained her voice with coughing
e. : the faculty or power of utterance : speech
fear took away his voice
a. : characteristic sound produced by animals using other than vocal mechanisms (as stridulation)
cheerful voice of the cricket
b. : a sound resembling or suggesting vocal utterance
distant voice of a waterfall
silvery voices of bells
hoarse voice of a foghorn
wailing voices of sirens
3. : something resembling human speech in being an instrument or medium of expression
majestic voice of the law
voice of conservatism
a. : wish, choice, or opinion openly or formally expressed
policy adopted despite many dissenting voices
b. : the right to express a wish, choice, or opinion : say , suffrage
every member of the family had a voice in making the plan
5. obsolete : rumor , fame
6. : one that speaks : one that warns, urges, prompts, or commands
guided by an inner voice
ancestral voices prophesying war — S.T.Coleridge
voice of doom
saw visions and heard voices
7. : distinction of form or a particular system of inflections of a verb to indicate the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses — see active , middle , passive
- with one voice
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English voicen, voisen, from voice, vois voice
transitive verb
a. : to give utterance to : utter
a chance to voice his objections
has voiced the sentiments of the whole group
b. obsolete : report , rumor
2. obsolete : to appoint by or as if by voting : elect
3. : to adjust for producing the proper musical sounds : regulate the tone of
to voice the pipes of an organ
4. : to utter with sonant or vocal tone produced by vibration of the vocal cords : pronounce with voice
the vowels and such consonants as b, v, j are voiced in contrast with p, f, ch
intransitive verb
: to pronounce a sound with voice
Synonyms: see express