— arrayer , n.
/euh ray"/ , v.t.
1. to place in proper or desired order; marshal: Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.
2. to clothe with garments, esp. of an ornamental kind; dress up; deck out: She arrayed herself in furs and diamonds.
3. order or arrangement, as of troops drawn up for battle.
4. military force, esp. a body of troops.
5. a large and impressive grouping or organization of things: He couldn't dismiss the array of facts.
6. regular order or arrangement; series: an array of figures.
7. a large group, number, or quantity of people or things: an impressive array of scholars; an imposing array of books.
8. attire; dress: in fine array.
9. an arrangement of interrelated objects or items of equipment for accomplishing a particular task: thousands of solar cells in one vast array.
10. Math. , Statistics.
a. an arrangement of a series of terms according to value, as from largest to smallest.
b. an arrangement of a series of terms in some geometric pattern, as in a matrix.
11. Computers. a block of related data elements, each of which is usually identified by one or more subscripts.
12. Radio. See antenna array .
[ 1250-1300; ME arrayen arayer, OF are ( y ) er araedan to prepare, equiv. to a- A- 3 + raede ready ]
Syn. 1. arrange, range, order, dispose. 2. apparel, dress, attire; ornament, adorn, decorate. 3. disposition. 5. show, exhibit, exhibition. 8. raiment.