flick 1
/flik/ , n.
1. a sudden light blow or tap, as with a whip or the finger: She gave the horse a flick with her riding crop.
2. the sound made by such a blow or tap.
3. a light and rapid movement: a flick of the wrist.
4. something thrown off with or as if with a jerk: a flick of mud.
5. to strike lightly with a whip, the finger, etc.
6. to remove with such a stroke: to flick away a crumb.
7. to move (something) with a sudden stroke or jerk.
8. to move with a jerk or jerks.
9. to flutter.
[ 1400-50; late ME flykke; appar. imit. ]
flick 2
/flik/ , n. Slang.
a motion picture.
Also, flicker .
[ 1925-30; shortening of FLICKER 1 ]