/fawr, fohr/ , n.
1. a cardinal number, three plus one.
2. a symbol of this number, 4 or IV or IIII.
3. a set of this many persons or things.
4. a playing card, die face, or half of a domino face with four pips.
5. fours , Jazz. alternate four-bar passages, as played in sequence by different soloists: with guitar and piano trading fours.
6. Auto.
a. an automobile powered by a four-cylinder engine.
b. the engine itself.
7. on all fours . See all fours (def. 3).
8. amounting to four in number.
[ bef. 1000; ME four, fower, OE feower; c. OHG fior (G vier ), Goth fidwor; akin to L quattuor, Gk tésseres (Attic téttares ) ]