Meaning of HANGING in English

— hangingly , adv.

/hang"ing/ , n.

1. the act, an instance, or the form of capital punishment carried out by suspending one by the neck from a gallows, gibbet, or the like, until dead.

2. Often, hangings . something that hangs or is hung on the walls of a room, as a drapery or tapestry.

3. a suspending or temporary attaching, as of a painting: a careless hanging of pictures.


4. punishable by, deserving, or causing death by hanging: a hanging crime; a hanging offense.

5. inclined to inflict death by hanging: a hanging jury.

6. suspended; pendent; overhanging: a hanging cliff.

7. situated on a steep slope or at a height: a hanging garden.

8. directed downward: a hanging look.

9. made, holding, or suitable for a hanging object.

[ 1250-1300; ME (n., adj.), OE hangande (adj.) See HANG, -ING 1 , -ING 2 ]

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