— royally , adv.
/roy"euhl/ , adj.
1. of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign: royal power; a royal palace.
2. descended from or related to a king or line of kings: a royal prince.
3. noting or having the rank of a king or queen.
4. established or chartered by or existing under the patronage of a sovereign: a royal society.
5. ( cap. ) serving or subject to a king, queen, or other sovereign.
6. proceeding from or performed by a sovereign: a royal warrant.
7. appropriate to or befitting a sovereign; magnificent; stately: royal splendor.
8. ( usually cap. ) Brit. in the service of the monarch or of the Commonwealth: Royal Marines; Royal Air Force.
9. fine; excellent: in royal spirits.
10. Informal. extreme or persistent; unmitigated: a royal nuisance; a royal pain.
11. Naut. a sail set on a royal mast. See diag. under ship .
12. Informal. a royal person; member of the royalty.
13. Usually, royals . Chiefly Brit. a member of England's royal family.
14. a size of printing paper, 20 × 25 in. (51 × 64 cm).
15. a size of writing paper, 19 × 24 in. (48 × 61 cm).
16. Numis. any of various former coins, as the real or ryal.
[ 1325-75; ME regalis kingly, equiv. to reg- (s. of rex ) king + -alis -AL 1 ; cf. REGAL ]
Syn. 7. majestic. See kingly .
Ant. 7. servile.