slap 1
— slapper , n.
/slap/ , n. , v. , slapped, slapping , adv.
1. a sharp blow or smack, esp. with the open hand or with something flat.
2. a sound made by or as if by such a blow or smack: the slap of the waves against the dock.
3. a sharply worded or sarcastic rebuke or comment.
4. slap on the wrist , relatively mild criticism or censure: He got away with a slap on the wrist.
5. to strike sharply, esp. with the open hand or with something flat.
6. to bring (the hand, something flat, etc.) with a sharp blow against something.
7. to dash or cast forcibly: He slapped the package against the wall.
8. to put or place promptly and sometimes haphazardly (often fol. by on ): The officer slapped a ticket on the car. He slapped mustard on the sandwich.
9. slap down ,
a. to subdue, esp. by a blow or by force; suppress.
b. to reject, oppose, or criticize sharply: to slap down dissenting voices.
10. Informal. directly; straight; smack: The tug rammed slap into the side of the freighter.
[ 1625-35; slapp, slappe; of expressive orig. ]
Syn. 1. See blow 1 .
slap 2
/slap/ , n. , v. , slapped, slapping . Scot.
1. a gap or opening, as in a fence, wall, cloud bank, or line of troops.
2. a mountain pass.
3. a wound or gash.
4. to make a gap or opening in; breach.
[ 1325-75; ME slop Schlupf hiding place ]