upper 1
/up"euhr/ , adj.
1. higher, as in place, position, pitch, or in a scale: the upper stories of a house; the upper register of a singer's voice.
2. superior, as in rank, dignity, or station.
3. (of places) at a higher level, more northerly, or farther from the sea: the upper slopes of a mountain; upper New York State.
4. ( often cap. ) Stratig. denoting a later division of a period, system, or the like: the Upper Devonian.
5. the part of a shoe or boot above the sole, comprising the quarter, vamp, counter, and lining.
6. an upper berth.
7. a gaiter made of cloth. Cf. gaiter (def. 1).
8. Usually, uppers ,
a. an upper dental plate.
b. an upper tooth.
9. Informal. the higher of two bunks or berths.
10. on one's uppers , Informal. reduced to poverty; without sufficient means: They are on their uppers but manage to hide the fact from their friends.
[ 1300-50; ME; see UP (adj.), -ER 4 ]
upper 2
/up"euhr/ , n. Slang.
1. a stimulant drug, esp. an amphetamine.
2. a pleasant or elating experience, person, or situation.
[ 1965-70, Amer.; UP + -ER 1 ]