/west/ , n.
1. a cardinal point of the compass, 90° to the left when facing north, corresponding to the point where the sun is seen to set. Abbr.: W
2. the direction in which this point lies.
3. ( usually cap. ) a region or territory situated in this direction, esp. the western part of the U.S., as distinguished from the East: a vacation trip through the West.
4. ( cap. ) the western part of the world, as distinguished from the East or Orient; the Occident.
5. ( cap. ) the non-Communist countries of Western Europe and the Americas.
6. directed or proceeding toward the west.
7. coming from the west: a west wind.
8. lying toward or situated in the west.
9. Eccles. designating, lying toward, or in that part of a church opposite to and farthest from the altar.
10. to, toward, or in the west: The car headed west.
11. from the west: The wind blew west.
12. go west , Informal. to die.
[ bef. 900; ME, OE; c. D, G west, ON vestr; cf. F ouest, OF ]