/wes"teuhrn/ , adj.
1. lying toward or situated in the west: our company's western office.
2. directed or proceeding toward the west: a western migration.
3. coming or originating from the west, as a wind.
4. ( often cap. ) of, pertaining to, living in, or characteristic of the West, esp. the western U.S.: a Western ranch.
5. ( usually cap. ) Occidental: to adopt Western dress.
6. ( usually cap. ) of or pertaining to the non-Communist countries of Europe and the Americas: Western trade agreements.
7. ( cap. ) of or pertaining to the Western Church.
8. ( often cap. ) a story, movie, or radio or television play about the U.S. West of the 19th century.
9. See western sandwich .
10. a person or thing from a western region or country.
[ bef. 1050; 1905-10 for def. 8; ME, OE westerne, equiv. to west WEST + -erne -ERN ]