Meaning of ASK in English


1) ( D ; intr. , tr. ) ('to inquire') to ~ about, after ( BE ) (they ~ed me about my work; he ~ed about/after her mother)

2) ( d ; intr. , tr. ) ('to request') to ~ for (she ~ed me politely for the book; the guest ~ed for the manager)

3) ( D ; tr. ) ('to invite') to ~ to (we ~ed them to the party)

4) ( D ; tr. ) ('to request') to ~ smt. of (I have a favor to ~ of you; he is ~ing a great deal of us)

5) ( E ) ('to request') she ~ed to be excused; we ~ed to see him

6) ( H ) ('to request') she ~ed us to come to the concert

7) ( L ; subj. ) ('to request') the family ~ed that the story not be/should not be printed

8) ( O ; can be used with one object) ('to pose') he ~ed (her) a question (also possible is: he ~ed a question of her)

9) ( Q ; may have an object) ('to inquire of') he ~ed (his son) point-blank where he was going; she ~ed wistfully how she might help

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.