1) to show, tell the ~ (my watch shows the minute and ~)
2) a solid ('full') ~ (the police grilled him for three solid ~s)
3) an ungodly ('very early'); ('very late') ~ (she called at an ungodly ~)
4) the decisive ~; or: the ~ of decision
5) the cocktail ~
6) office; peak; visiting ~s (during peak ~s more trains run)
7) the rush ~ (traffic is very heavy during the rush ~)
8) at a certain ~ (at the appointed ~)
9) by the ~ (to pay workers by the ~)
10) in a certain ~ (in one's ~ of need)
11) in, inside, within an ~ (she'll be here in an ~)
12) on the ~ ('every ~')
13) ( misc. ) to keep late ~s ('to go to bed late'); one's finest ~ ('the noblest period in one's life'); in the wee ~s of the morning ('late at night'); after ~s ('after work'); (a) happy ~ ('period in which a bar sells alcoholic drinks at a reduced price'); H -~/zero ~ ('time at which a significant event is scheduled to begin')