educational institution
1) to direct; operate a ~
2) to attend, go to ~; to enter (a) ~ (they go to a good ~)
3) to accredit a ~
4) to finish, graduate from ( AE ), leave ( BE ) ~ (she left ~ and went to university)
5) to drop out of, leave, quit ~
6) (by level) an elementary, grade ( AE ), grammar ( AE ), primary; first ( BE ); infant ( BE ); junior ( BE ); nursery ~
7) (by level) a junior high ( AE ); middle ~
8) (by level) a comprehensive ( BE ), high ( esp. AE ), secondary; grammar ( BE ); public ( BE ) ('private secondary'); secondary modern ( BE ; now rare) ~
9) (by level) a graduate, postgraduate ( esp. BE ); undergraduate ~
10) (by subject) an art; ballet; beauty; business; dancing; divinity; driving; fencing; military; naval; riding; secretarial; technical; trade, vocational ~
11) (by type) a boarding; church; consolidated; correspondence; council ( BE ; now rare), public ( AE ), state ( BE ); day; evening; finishing; magnet ( AE ); night; parochial; preparatory; private; reform ( AE ; now rare); religious; segregated; summer; Sunday ~
12) (at a university; see also faculty 1) a dental; engineering; law; medical; nursing ( AE ; CE has ~ of nursing ); professional ~
13) at, in (a) ~ (she works at/in a ~; their son is still at ~; AE also has: their son is still in ~)
14) a ~ for (a ~ for gifted children)
15) ( misc. ) to be kept after ~; late for ~
group of persons holding similar views
16) an avant-garde ~ of artists; a radical ~ of economists
17) a ~ of opinion, thought
18) ( misc. ) of the old ~ ('adhering to established traditions')
19) the ~ of hard knocks ('life with all its difficulties')
USAGE NOTE: One says to attend ~ and to go to ~ , but with a modifier an article must be included-- to attend a good ~ , to go to a good ~ , they go to the ~ of their choice . Note that one can say either they go to a ~ in California or they go to ~ in California , ( see the Usage Note for university )
1) to ~ thoroughly
2) ( D ; tr. ) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in the martial arts)
3) ( H ) they were ~ed to obey instantaneously