Meaning of SIGNAL in English





1) to flash, give, send a ~

2) a clear, unmistakable ~

3) a smoke ~ (Indians used to send up smoke ~s)

4) a turn ~ ( AE ; BE has traffic indicator )

5) ( AE ) a traffic ~

6) a storm ~

7) a ~ from; to

8) a ~ to + inf. (the ~ to attack)

9) a ~ that + clause (the troops received the ~ that the attack was to begin)

10) at, on a ~ (the raid began at a given ~)

11) ( misc. ) ( Am. football) to call the ~s (also fig .)

electrical impulses

12) a radar; shortwave ~



1) to ~ wildly

2) ( B ) they ~ed their position to us

3) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ for (to ~ for help)

4) ( H ) he ~ed us to come closer

5) ( L ; to; may have an object) the radio operator ~ed (to us)/~ed (us) that the ship was in distress

6) ( misc. ) she ~ed for us to come closer

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