Meaning of YEAR in English


1) to spend a ~ (somewhere)

2) a bad, lean; banner ( AE ), good; happy; healthy; memorable; peak, record; profitable ~ (our firm had a very profitable ~; their team had a good ~)

3) smb.'s formative; golden ~s

4) every; last; next; this ~

5) the coming; current; past ~

6) an academic, school; calendar; election; fiscal; jubilee; presidential ( US ); sabbatical; tax ~

7) a common; leap; light; lunar; sidereal; solar ~

8) by the ~ (to be paid by the ~)

9) by ('before') a ~ (by the ~ 2000, the population in many countries will double)

10) for a ~ (they went abroad for a ~)

11) for, in ( esp. AE ) ~s (they have not been here for/ in ~s)

12) in a ~ (they'll be back in a ~)

13) in a (certain) ~ (he died in the ~ of the great flood; in future ~s; in ~s to come)

14) ( misc. ) once a ~; ~ in, ~ out; the first time in ( esp. AE ), for ( BE ) a ~; she is five ~s old; light ~s away; for ~s to come; up to last ~; children of tender ~s; she had three ~s of college

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.