Русско-английский перевод ПРИБЛИЗИТЕЛЬНО

см. тж. около ; по приближённым оценкам ; порядка ; приближённо описывать ; приближённо вычислять ; примерно ; согласно подсчётам

• The distribution of craters agrees broadly with estimates of ...

• The world's chemical industry then marketed an estimated 1000 new synthetic chemicals each year.

• The conglomerate was tilted to something like 45 degrees.

• In a million years or so even the most rapidly spinning neutron star slows down.

• This concept appeared near the middle of the 19th century.

• Theoretically iron crystals should resist deformation at stresses approaching [ or of about ( or around ) , or in the neighbourhood of ] several million psi.

• The machine age in the glass container industry started around 1890.

• These steels have yield strengths in the 2,000,000 psi area ( or in the area of 2,000,000 psi).

• The maximum strain was in the neighbourhood ( or vicinity ) of 2%.

• The thermal efficiency of these units will be in the region of ( or approximately ) 40%.

• These disturbances are propagated at roughly the speed of sound.

• The "dilute form" in percent of total concentration was calculated roughly .

• Some 250 Mcf of nitrogen was pumped into the line.

• An expression for the sound speed in a gas may be obtained very crudely as follows.

• The terminal velocity is roughly constant.

• The focal length is 50 mm or thereabouts .

• The laser output pulses have an estimated power of over 1 MW.

• The strip should be heated at around 1200°F.

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.