Русско-английский перевод ВСТУПАТЬ В СТРОЙ

см. тж. вступать в эксплуатацию

• The first units are unlikely to become operational until early next year.

• The refinery will come ( or go ) on stream in 1995.

• A new haulage system will soon go into operation .

• The new plant will go into production next year.

• The unit goes on line in December.

• A new particle accelerator has been commissioned .

• The fighter plane will soon enter ( or come into ) service .

• Efforts are being made to modify the fertilizer manufacturing process so that phosphate deposits of lower grade can come into play .

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.