Англо-русский перевод CUT UP

а> разрубать, разрезать на куски Please cut up the meat for the dog as his teeth are bad now. б> раскритиковать Her performance was (badly) cut up in the next day's newspapers. в> подрывать (силы, здоровье); причинять страдания; be cut up - мучиться, страдать г> разрушать The town was (badly) cut up in last night's bombing. The enemy are being cut up in the battle. д> буянить It's been rawing for a week and the children are really cutting up. е> притворяться глупым Sim likes to cut up at parties. ж> оставить в наследство (for) How much do you think he'll cut up for?

English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition.      Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция.