Meaning of LOCK in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 a mechanism for keeping a door, lid, or container fastened, typically operated by a key.

↘a similar device used to prevent the operation of a vehicle or other machine.

2》 a short section of a canal or river with gates and sluices at each end which can be opened or closed to change the water level, used for raising and lowering boats.

3》 (also full ~ ) the maximum extent that the front wheels of a vehicle can be turned.

4》 (in wrestling and martial arts) a hold that prevents an opponent from moving a limb.

5》 (also ~ forward ) Rugby a player in the second row of a scrum.

6》 ( a ~ ) N. Amer. informal a certainty.

7》 archaic a mechanism for exploding the charge of a gun.

■ verb

1》 fasten or be fastened with a ~.

↘enclose or secure by ~ing a door.

↘( ~ someone up/away ) imprison someone.

↘( ~ someone out ) exclude someone.

2》 make or become rigidly fixed or immovable.

↘( ~ someone/thing in/into ) engage or entangle someone or something in (a struggle or competitive situation).

↘( ~ on to ) locate (a target) by radar or similar means and then track.

3》 go through a ~ on a canal.


have a ~ on N. Amer. informal have an unbreakable hold on.

~ horns engage in conflict.

~, stock, and barrel including everything. [referring to the complete mechanism of a firearm.]


~able adjective

~less adjective


OE loc , of Gmc origin.


~ 2

■ noun

1》 a piece of a person's hair that coils or hangs together.

↘( ~s ) literary a person's hair.

2》 a tuft of wool or cotton.


-~ed adjective


OE locc , of Gmc origin.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.