Meaning of ABANDON in English


Pronunciation: ə - ' ban-d ə n

Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English abandounen, from Anglo-French abanduner, from ( mettre ) a bandun to hand over, put in someone's control

Date: 14th century

1 a : to give up to the control or influence of another person or agent b : to give up with the intent of never again claiming a right or interest in < abandon property>

2 : to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment < abandon ship>

3 : to withdraw protection, support, or help from <he abandon ed his family>

4 : to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly

5 a : to cease from maintaining, practicing, or using < abandon ed their native language> b : to cease intending or attempting to perform < abandon ed the escape>

– aban · don · er noun

– aban · don · ment \ -d ə n-m ə nt \ noun

synonyms ABANDON , DESERT , FORSAKE mean to leave without intending to return. ABANDON suggests that the thing or person left may be helpless without protection < abandoned children>. DESERT implies that the object left may be weakened but not destroyed by one's absence <a deserted town>. FORSAKE suggests an action more likely to bring impoverishment or bereavement to that which is forsaken than its exposure to physical dangers <a forsaken lover>. synonym see in addition RELINQUISH

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.