Meaning of SUM in English

Synonyms and related words :

account, add, add up, addend, affective meaning, aggregate, all, amount, amount of money, amplitude, batch, be-all and end-all, bearing, body, box score, budget, bulk, bunch, cast, cast up, chunk, cipher up, clutch, coloring, compute, condense, connotation, consequence, core, count, count up, deal, denotation, detail, difference, digest, dose, drift, effect, entirety, entity, epitome, essence, extension, extent, figure, figure up, foot, foot up, force, gist, gob, grammatical meaning, grand total, gross, gross amount, group, heap, hunk, idea, impact, implication, import, integral, integrate, intension, inventory, itemize, large amount, lexical meaning, literal meaning, lot, lump sum, magnitude, main point, mass, matter, meaning, measure, measurement, meat, mess, number, numbers, nutshell, overtone, pack, parcel, part, pertinence, pith, plus, plus sign, point, portion, practical consequence, product, purport, quantity, quantum, range of meaning, ration, real meaning, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, recite, reckon up, reckoning, recount, reference, referent, rehearse, relate, relation, relevance, resume, round sum, run-through, rundown, scope, score, score up, semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, significance, signification, significatum, signifie, small amount, span of meaning, spirit, strength, structural meaning, structure, substance, subtotal, sum and substance, sum total, sum up, summarize, summary, summate, summation, summing-up, symbolic meaning, synopsize, system, tale, tally, tally up, tenor, the amount, the bottom line, the story, the whole story, tot, tot up, total, total up, totality, totality of associations, tote, tote up, transferred meaning, unadorned meaning, undertone, value, whole, whole amount, x number

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