1. баррель (мера вместимости: в Великобритании - 163,3 л; в США - 119 л; для нефти - 159 л; для цемента - 170,5 кг) 2. характеристика продуктивности нефтяного месторождения в баррелях суточной добычи 3. цилиндр; камера (гидравлического домкрата, механизма гидравлической подачи); втулка (насоса); барабан; стакан 4. цилиндр (скважинного насоса) 5. гильза; колонковая труба 6. барабан лебёдки barrels daily — суточная добыча в баррелях; million barrels per day oil equivalent — (число) миллионов баррелей нефтяного эквивалента в день; barrels per calendar day — объём добычи в баррелях за календарные сутки; barrels per day — (число) баррелей в сутки; barrels per day of oil equivalent — число баррелей в день нефтяного эквивалента; barrels per hour — (число) баррелей в час; barrels per minute — (число) баррелей в минуту; per barrel of oil produced — на единицу объёма добытой нефти; barrels per stream day — выход в баррелях за сутки работы (установки); barrels per well per day — (число) баррелей на скважину в сутки - balanced core barrel - ball bearing core barrel - barrel of cement - barrel of fishing basket - barrel of oil well pump - barrel of slurry - barrels of acid water per day - barrels of acid water per hour - barrels of acid water under load - barrels of condensate per day - barrels of condensate per hour - barrels of condensate per million - barrels of condensate - barrels of fluid per day - barrels of fluid per hour - barrels of fluid - barrels of formation water - barrels of fracturing oil - barrels of load oil recovered - barrels of load oil yet to recover - barrels of load oil - barrels of mud - barrels of new oil - barrels of oil per calendar day - barrels of oil per day - barrels of oil per hour - barrels of oil per producing day - barrels of oil - barrels of pipeline oil per day - barrels of pipeline oil - barrels of reservoir crude - barrels of reservoir crude - barrels of salt water per day - barrels of salt water per hour - barrels of salt water - barrels of water injected per day - barrels of water load - barrels of water over load - barrels of water per day - barrels of water per hour - barrels of water - basket barrel - bottom discharge core barrel - cable-tool core barrel - casing barrel - clay barrel - clay coring barrel - core barrel of double tube-rigid - core barrel of double tube-swivel - core barrel with rubber sleeve - core barrel - core retrieving barrel - deep-well pump barrel - deep-well working barrel - Denison core barrel - diamond core barrel - double core barrel - double-tube core barrel of bottom discharge mud - double-tube core barrel - double-tube rigid barrel - dry-sample barrel - extension core barrel - floating-tube core barrel - full flow core barrel - gun barrel - inner barrel - large-diameter design core barrel - liner barrel - main drum barrel - mud barrel - oil barrel - oil well pump barrel - orienting core barrel - outer barrel - outside barrel - Pickard core barrel - plain core barrel - poor-boy core barrel - pressure core barrel - pump barrel - reaming barrel - removable rectilinear core barrel - reservoir barrels - retractable core barrel - retrievable inner barrel - reverse-circulation core barrel - rigid-type core barrel - rigid-type double core barrel - rubber sleeve core barrel - sampler barrel - sampling barrel - sandblast barrel - sawtooth barrel - sectional core barrel - single-tube core barrel - siphon barrel - sleeve-type core barrel - sludge barrel - soil-sample barrel - split barrel - split inner-tube core barrel - split-tube barrel - starting barrel - starting casing barrel - stationary inner-tube core barrel - stock tank barrels - subsurface liner working barrel - subsurface pump working barrel - swivel barrel - swivel-tube core barrel - swivel-type double tube core barrel - traveling barrel - triple-tube core barrel - valve barrel - water-cutoff core barrel - winch barrel - winding barrel - wireline core barrel - working barrel
Англо-русский перевод BARREL
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998