1. сертификат; удостоверение; аттестационное свидетельство; свидетельство о поверке; аттестат; паспорт; || выдавать сертификат, выдавать удостоверение; выдавать свидетельство 2. акт to carry a certificate — иметь сертификат; to grant a certificate — выдавать сертификат; to issue a certificate — выдавать сертификат; to resume a certificate — возобновлять действие сертификата - acceptance certificate - calibration certificate - certificate of compliance - certificate of conformance - certificate of damage - certificate of fair wear-and-tear - certificate of fitness - certificate of proof - certificate of service - certificate of test results - certificate of unserviceability - competency certificate - equipment certificate - gas-free certificate - government certificate - inspection certificate - machinery certificate - material certificate - oil pollution prevention certificate - production certificate - quality accreditation certificate - quality certificate - release certificate - safety construction certificate - sanitary certificate - test readiness certificate - testing certificate - verification certificate - works certificate
Англо-русский перевод CERTIFICATE
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998