Англо-русский перевод OPERATOR

1) оператор (см. тж statement); знак операции 2) человек-оператор • - algebraic operator - AND operator - assembler operator - averaging operator - binary operator - Boolean operator - complementary operator - composite operator - computer operator - console operator - constraint operator - decremental operator - differentiation operator - dyadic operator - except operator - exponentiating operator - font operator - high-level operator - human operator - implied operator - incremental operator - infix operator - logical operator - long operator - machine operator - masking operator - mathematical operator - membership operator - monadic operator - neighborhood operator - OR operator - postfix operator - prefix operator - primitive operator - relational operator - retarded operator - sequential operator - stream-merge operator - string operator - string-valued operator - suffix operator - terminal operator - times operator - transition operator - unitary operator - variable-binding operator

Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science.      Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию.