Англо-русский перевод DEPARTMENT

1) структурное подразделение, административный орган (министерство, департамент, управление, отдел)

2) секция (в торговом предприятии)

3) функциональный отдел ( напр. кадров, финансов)

4) факультет (университета)

- department of internal audit

- departments of social production

- accounting department

- administrative department

- advice department

- analysis department

- auditing department

- auxiliary department

- bank department

- bespoke department

- buying department

- cash department

- certification department

- city collection department

- collection department

- common service departments

- construction department

- contracts department

- controller's department

- cost department

- coupon collection department

- coupon paying department

- credit department

- customers' securities department

- data processing department

- delivery department

- deposit department

- design department

- development department

- direct department

- discount department

- distribution department

- drafting department

- engineering department

- factory department

- field service department

- finance department

- finance-and-accounts department

- food department

- food department in discounters

- foreign exchange department

- functional department

- general bookkeeping department

- general service department

- indirect departments

- insurance department

- internal audit department

- inventory department

- issue department

- labor and wages department

- leased department

- loan department

- lost and found department

- management services department

- manufacturing department

- marketing and sales department

- marking department

- materials department

- merchandise development department

- methods department

- military department

- new business department

- nonproductive departments

- operating department

- operations research department

- organization department

- packing department

- patent department

- personal loan department

- personnel department

- preproduction department

- process department

- procurement department

- producing department

- production department

- production control department

- production planning department

- production scheduling and control department

- productive department

- publicity department

- purchasing department

- quality control department

- quotation department

- receiving department

- requisitioning department

- sales department

- sales order department

- savings department

- scheduling department

- selling department

- service department

- shipping department

- shop-training department

- signature department

- staff department

- standards department

- state banking department

- statement department

- statistics department

- stock department

- stores department

- styling department

- supply department

- systems-and-procedures department

- telephone order department

- thrift department

- timekeeping department

- time study department

- traffic department

- transit department

- trust department

- voucher department

- wages department

- water department

- work-study department

English-Russian dictionary of economics and finance.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике и финансам.