Pronunciation: di- ' pärt-m ə nt
Function: noun
Etymology: French département, from Old French, act of dividing, from departir
Date: 1735
1 a : a distinct sphere : PROVINCE <that's not my department > b : a category consisting especially of a measurable activity or attribute <lacking in the trustworthiness department ― Garrison Keillor>
2 : a functional or territorial division: as a : a major administrative division of a government b : a major territorial administrative subdivision c : a division of a college or school giving instruction in a particular subject d : a major division of a business e : a section of a department store handling a particular kind of merchandise f : a territorial subdivision made for the administration and training of military units
– de · part · men · tal \ di- ˌ pärt- ' men-t ə l, ˌ d ē - \ adjective
– de · part · men · tal · ly \ -t ə -l ē \ adverb