сущ. 1) принятие, признание 2) акцептирование, приемка (напр., счета или векселя) к оплате 3) акцепт (принятие плательщиком обязательства оплатить вексель или счет) 4) оправдательная надпись (освобождающая перевозчика или склад от ответственности в случае превышения установленного срока перевозки) 5) приемлемость (например, товара для покупателя) • - acceptance bought outright - acceptance bought under repurchase agreement - acceptance credit - acceptance date - acceptance for honor - acceptance house - acceptance in bank - acceptance in blank - acceptance inspection - acceptance letter of credit - acceptance letter - acceptance of batch - acceptance of bid - acceptance of bill of exchange - acceptance of bonds - acceptance of constructional work - acceptance of contraception - acceptance of draft - acceptance of offer - acceptance of proposal - acceptance of work - acceptance region - acceptance report - acceptance supra protest - acceptance tests - acceptance trials - acceptance under rebate - accommodation acceptance - advice of acceptance - against acceptance - anticipated acceptance - banker acceptance - banker's acceptance - be in default of acceptance - clean acceptance - collateral acceptance - collateral guarantee - collateral security - complete acceptance - conditional acceptance - conditions of acceptance - consumer acceptance - data acceptance - date of acceptance - days after acceptance - discount of acceptance - documents against acceptance - dollar acceptance - domestic acceptance - draft for acceptance - eligible acceptance - eligible banker's acceptance - find market acceptance - general acceptance - obtain acceptance - partial acceptance - present for acceptance - prime banker's acceptance - provide with an acceptance - qualified acceptance - rebated acceptance - special acceptance - sterling acceptance - trade acceptance - unconditional acceptance - uncovered acceptance - upon acceptance Syn: acknowledgement, recognition
Англо-русский перевод ACCEPTANCE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001