1. сущ. 1) равновесие, баланс 2) соответствие 3) остаток 4) сальдо (разность между денежными поступлениями и расходами за определенный промежуток времени между стоимостью экспорта и импорта) 5) сальдо банковского счета 6) счет в банке, текущий счет 7) иск, претензия 8) превышение • - account balance - active balance - actual balance - adjusted trial balance - adverse balance - annual balance - average balance - average daily balance - balance brought forward - balance brought from last account - balance brought into equilibrium - balance carried forward - balance due on an order - balance in hand - balance in one's favor - balance list - balance method - balance of account as of... - balance of account - balance of advance - balance of an account - balance of claims and liabilities - balance of debt - balance of forces - balance of foreign payments - balance of income and expenditure - balance of indebtedness - balance of interest - balance of international payments - balance of merchandise trade - balance of migration - balance of national economy - balance of payment account - balance of payments consultations - balance of payments deficit - balance of payments disequilibrium - balance of payments - balance of power - balance of profit - balance of the estimate - balance of the work - balance of trade surplus - balance of trade - balance on current account - balance on deposit - balance on goods and services - balance on liquidity basis - balance on official reserve transaction basis - balance on order - balance on the capital account - balance out - balance receipt - balance runs into the red - balance sheet account - balance sheet auditing - balance sheet profit - balance sheet risk - balance sheet risks - balance sheet value - balance sheets - balance standing to my credit - balance standing to my debit - balance the accounts - balance the budget - balance to be carried forward - balances with foreign banks - bank balance - be out of balance - beginning balance - blocked balances - bring accounts to a balance - bring in balance with - budgetary balance - build a money - business balances - calculate the balance - capital balance - carry a balance forward - carry down a balance - carry forward a balance - cash balance - classified trial balance - clearing balance - closing balance - commodity balance - compensating balance - compute and balance one's gain and loss - correspondent balance - cost-effectiveness balance - credit balance of an account - credit balance - crediting on balance - cumulative balance sheet - current account balance - current balance - debit balance - debtor balance - declining balance method - demand balance - distort the balance - draw up the balance - earmarked balances at foreign banks - ending balance - exchange balance of the country - export balance of trade - external balance - fair balance - favorable balance - financial balance - foreign balance - gross income and expenditure balance - hold the balance - idle balances - import balance of trade - input-output balance - in-stock balance - interest-bearing transaction balance - interindustry balance - interproduct balance - inventory balance - inventory-to-sales balance - invisible balance - keep in near balance - line balance - loan balance - make up a balance - marginal balance - money balances - negative balance - net balance - nonhousehold balances - nostro balance - observe the necessary balance - official settlement balance - opening balance - organizational balance - overall balance - overstated book balance - overstated inventory balances - passive balance - pile up a balance - post-closing trial balance - precautionary balances - preliminary trial balance - profit-and-loss balance - report balance of income and expenditure - report balance of the economy - restrict balance to a minimum - special area balance of payments - sterling balance - stock-and-provision balance - strike the balance - summary balance - trade balance - transaction balances - trial balance - unappropriated balance - unclaimed balance - understated book balance - unfavorable balance - unfavourable balance - update the balance - visible balance - working balances Syn: statement 2. гл. 1) балансировать, уравнивать 2) сводить, закрывать (счета) 3) компенсировать; нейтрализовать 4) удовлетворять - balance an account - balance foreign trade - balance the books - balance the ledger - balanced budget - balanced development of the national economy - balanced development - balanced line - balanced motion pattern - balanced sample - balanced-growth path
Англо-русский перевод BALANCE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001