сущ.; юр. 1) закон by law — по закону, законодательно 2) право 3) суд 4) судебный процесс 5) закон (природы, научный) • - according to law - act of the law - action at law - adjective law - administrative law - admiralty law - agreement law - antitrust law - application of law - authority in law - authorized by law - bank law - banking law - bankruptcy law - be at law - be good in law - be governed by the law - become law - blue law - blue sky law - break the law - business law - by act of law - by operation of law - by the law - canon law - case law - civil law - commercial law - common law - company law - comparative law - contract law - contrary to law - control law - copyright law - corporate law - corporation law - criminal law of procedure - criminal law - customs law - disregard of law - domestic law - due process of law - ecclesiastical law - economic laws - enforcement of law - equal protection of the law - evade the law - evade the law - fair trade law - fascist-like law - fiscal law - game law - go beyond the law - go to law - gun control law - hold good in law - insurance law - intellectual property law - international law - judge-made law - keep within the law - labour law - law firm - law in force - law of admiralty - law of changing the labour - law of competition and anarchy of production - law of contracts - law of distribution according to labour - law of effect - law of nations - law of nature - law of planned development - law of property - law of supply and demand - law of surplus value - law of the case - law of the land - law of the steady rise of labour productivity - law of treaties - law of value - law office - law school - laws of management science - laws of social development - maritime law - martial law - mercantile law - merchant law - military law - minimum-wage law - natural law - neutrality law - objective laws - observe the law - offend against law - organic law - parliamentary law - pass the law - patent law - penal law - prescribed by law - public law - required by law - revenue law - right-to-work law - rule of law - session law - shield law - sky law - statute law - substantive law - Sunday closing laws - sunshine law - Taft-Hartly law - tariff law - under colour of law - wager of law - Wagner's law Syn: principle, authority, power, privilege, priority
Англо-русский перевод LAW
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001