Англо-русский перевод COMMITTEE

1) комитет; комиссия 2) опекун, попечитель • committee with a standby status — комитет, функционирующий в случае необходимости Judicial committee of the Privy Council — англ. судебный комитет тайного совета - ad hoc committee - adjustment committee - advisory committee - appeal committee - auditing committee - budget committee - campaign committee - case committee - classification committee - committee of bankruptcy - committee of conference - committee of inquiry - committee of privileges - committee of supply - committee of the whole house - committee of visitors - committee of ways and means - conference committee - credentials committee - disciplinary committee - drafting committee - executive committee - full committee - House committee - interdepartmental committee - intergovernmental committee - interim committee - international committee - investigating committee - joint committee - judiciary committee - legislative committee - liaison committee - majority steering committee - minority steering committee - mixed committee - national committee - parliamentary committee - plenary committee - preparatory committee - probation committee - provisional committee - rules committee - select committee - Senate committee - special committee - Staff committee - standing committee - steering committee - sublegislature-Congress committee - superintending committee - treatment classification committee - visiting committee - watch committee

Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary .      Англо-Русский юридический словарь.