Англо-русский перевод HEAD

1) головка 2) головная часть; передняя часть || головной; передний; верхний 3) шпиндельная головка; шпиндельная бабка (см. тж headstock) 4) суппорт 5) крышка (цилиндра) 6) насадка, насадок 7) прибыль (отливки) 8) боёк (молота) 9) подвижный штамп 10) напор; давление • head with collar — головка с цилиндрическим буртом, головка винта с цилиндрическим буртом head with flange — головка с фланцем, головка винта с фланцем head with nib — головка (напр. винта) с усом head with oval neck — головка (напр. винта) с овальным подголовком head with square neck — головка (напр. винта) с квадратным подголовком head with washer face — головка с опорной шайбой, головка винта с опорной шайбой - 12 points head - 5-side turret head - added head - adjustable boring head - air gage head - air plasma arc cutting head - all-angle milling head - angle gage dividing head - angle head - angled probe head - angular head - angular-positioning head - articulating head - assembling head - attachment head - autoindexing head - automatic two-speed geared head - axial tapping head - ball-shaped head - belt head - bending head - bidirectional planing head - binding head - birotary head - bolt head - boring head - boring/milling head - boring, drilling and milling head - boring-and-facing head - broach pull head - broaching head - buffing head - button head - capstan head - cartridge head - cassette head - cassette-type spindle head - center head - chamfering head - cheese head - chisel head - circular-type die head - clamping head - cluster head - CNC angular-positioning head - CNC milling heads - combination head - compound swivel spindle head - compound-angle head - contact head - contacting head - contouring head - control wheel head - copying head - counterbalanced head - counterboring head - countersunk head - coupling head - cross beam head - cross feed facing head - cross feed head - cross head - cross milling-and-drilling head - cross-rail head - cup head - cup-shaped head - cutter head - cutting head - cylinder head - detecting head - detector head - diamond knurled head - die head - direct-drive head - direct-indexing head - discharge head - distributor head - dividing head - double swivel-mounted spindle head - draw head - drawing head - dressing head - drill head - drill/tap head - drilling head - drilling-and-tapping head - driving head - dual chucking heads - dual grinding head - dynamic head - effective head of pump wheel - effective head of turbine wheel - effective head - electric gage head - electric switching gage head - electronic gage head - end-rolling head - engagement head - erase head - erasing head - exchange gripper head - extension head - face-milling head - face-mill-type cutter head - facing head - fang head - fastener installation head - feeding head - feed-out head - filister binding head - filister head - finish boring head - fixed head - flame tube head - flange head - flat head - flexible spanner head - flexible wrench head - flush head - forcing head - fork head - full CNC-controlled dividing head - gage head - gang head - gear head - Geneva head - gib head - globe head - grinding head - grinding wheel head - gripper head - half-countersunk head - hammer head - hex washer head - hexagon head with collar - hexagon head with flange - hexagon head with washer face - hexagon head - hexagon turret head - hexagonal head - HF head - high-speed head - hob swivel head - honing head - horizontal milling head - horizontal spindle head - horizontal/vertical cutter head - horizontal/vertical machining head - hydraulically counterbalanced head - impeller head - index head - indexing head - indicating head - inductance-type gage head - inductive gage head - insertion head - instrument head - integral facing head - interchangeable head - interchangeable horizontal spindle head - keyway-cutting head - knurled head - knurling head - L head - laser gage head - laser head - laser-cutting head - lever head - live head - live-tooling head - loose head - low head - lubrication mist head - lug head - machine head - machining head - magnetic head - manually indexable head - master head - maximum head - measuring head - mechanical dividing head - micro-adjustable boring head - micrometer head - MIG welding head - milling head - milling spindle head - milling-drilling head - minimum head - mist head - modified boring head - modular head - movable head - movable-armature gage head - multiaxis head - multidrill head - multidrill/tap head - multiple-blade gear-cutting head - multiple-cutter head - multiple-drill head - multiple-sensor head - multiple-spindle drill head - multiple-spindle drilling head - multiple-spindle machining head - multipoint facing head - multipurpose head - multipurpose spindle head - multispindle drilling-and-tapping head - multispindle head - multistation turret drilling head - multitapping head - multitool planing head - multivertical spindle head - mushroom head - NC indexing head - NC/TP head - net positive suction head - nonrotating die head - nontilting head - notched head - numbering head - nut installation head - nutating head - octagonal head - offset boring head - offset drill head - offset head - oil-cooled rotating machining head - oil-pressure head - optical dividing head - optical scanning head - orbiting head - outfeed head - oval binding head - oven head - pan head - perception head - Philips head - photoelectric detector head - photooptical reader head - pickup head - pinched head - pipe-threading die head - piston head - pivot-action cutting head - plain dividing head - plain index head - plain indexing head - planer head - planer milling head - planetary thread-milling head - planing head - plasma-arc cutting head - plotting head - plunge milling head - poppet head - positive suction head - power head - precision concentric laser head - pre-gaged cutting head - pressure head - primary head - printer head - probe head - profiling head - pulling head - pump head - punching-and-cutting head - quill-adjustable cutter head - quill-type head - radial tapping head - rag head - rail head - rail tool head - raised cheese head - raised countersunk head - ram head - ram-milling head - ram-mounted machining head - ram-type cutter head - ram-type machining head - randomly selectable head - rated head - read head - read/write head - reader head - reading and writing head - reading head - read-record head - reaming head - recessing head - record head - recording head - remote receiver head - reproducing head - resistance welding head - retriever head - right angle drill head - right-angle head - right-angle milling head - right-angled head - right-angled milling head - riveted-over head - rotary feeding head - rotating reading head - rotating tool head - rough boring head - round head - round rivet head - router head - routing head - saw head - scanning head - scanning tracing head - screw die head - self-opening die head - sensing head - sensor head - set head - shifting head - side head - side tool head - simple spindle head - single plate head - single swivel-mounted spindle head - single-cutter boring head - single-cutter head - sleeve-milling head - slide-milling head - sliding drill head - sliding head - sliding spindle head - sliding vertical saddle spindle head - slotted head - slotting head - snap head - socket head - solid head - spark-erosion head - spiked head - spindle head - spiral index head - spiral-cutting head - spiral-milling head - spray head - square head - squeeze head - start-up head - static head - static suction head - steep head - steeple head - stock head - stopper head - straight knurled head - straight side binding head - suction head - superfinishing head - surfacing head - swing-aside spindle head - swinging head - swing-on vertical head - swivel head - swivel spindle head - swivel-block head - swiveling head - swiveling horizontal/vertical spindle head - swiveling two-axis head - swiveling vertical/horizontal head - swivel-mounted head - tandem-milling head - tangential die head - tapping head - teaching head - tension head - T-head - theoretical head - thread head - thread-cutting die head - thread-cutting head - threading head - thread-rolling head - thumb head - tilting head - tilting spindle head - tool head - tool post side head - tool-carrying head - tool-feeding head - toolholder head - tool-holding head - tool-support head - tool-supporting head - torsion head - total head - tracer head - tracing head - transferrable head - traveling head - traversing spindle head - trepanning head - triangle head - trigger probe head - tripet turret head - triple spindle head - truss head - turning head - turret drilling head - turret head - twin-axis contour-facing head - twin-cutter boring head - twin-tool boring head - two-flute boring head - two-fluted boring head - two-position cutter head - two-position spindle head - undercut countersunk head - undercut raised countersunk head - unit head - unit spindle head - unit-type boring head - unit-type drill head - unit-type mill head - unit-type milling head - universal boring head - universal cutter head - universal dividing head - universal indexing head - universal milling head - upset head - upstroking head - vacuum head - valve head - velocity head - vertical head for horizontal milling machine - vertical milling head - vertical/horizontal rotary head - V-shaped head - waisted head - washer head - welding head - wheel head - wobble broaching head - wobble head - work-carrying head - workpiece-gripping head - wrench head - write head - write-read head - writing head - X axis-controlled head - Y axis-controlled head - Z axis-controlled head

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.