1) яйцо; икринка; pl яйца; икра
2) яйцеклетка
to cover eggs; to sit on eggs — сидеть на яйцах, высиживать яйца
- activated egg
- alecithal egg
- cleidoic egg
- drifting eggs
- ectolecithal egg
- embryonated egg
- eyed egg
- false egg
- fertile egg
- fertilized egg
- homolecithal egg
- infective egg
- isolecithal egg
- macrolecithal egg
- mature egg
- megalecithal egg
- meiolecithal egg
- meroblastic egg
- microlecithal egg
- mosaic egg
- nest egg
- oligolecithal egg
- ovarian egg
- pelagic eggs
- plastic egg
- regulative egg
- silkworm eggs
- subitan egg
- telolecithal egg