Англо-русский перевод PAPER

1) бумага

2) газета; журнал

3) лист бумаги

4) документ

5) бумажные деньги

6) пакет

7) статья; научный доклад

8) обои

9) папье-маше

10) завёртывать в бумагу

11) подклеивать форзац

- paper for copying

- paper for covers

- paper for making-ready

- abrasive paper

- absorbent paper

- absorptive paper

- account book paper

- acid-free paper

- acid-proof paper

- active paper

- adhesive paper

- advertising paper

- air-dried paper

- airmail paper

- air-proof paper

- alabaster paper

- Albert note paper

- album paper

- albumenized paper

- Alexandria paper

- alkali-proof paper

- alkali-resistant paper

- all-rag paper

- all-rag litho paper

- animal-sized paper

- animal tub-sized paper

- antiacid manila paper

- antique paper

- antirust paper

- antitarnish paper

- armored paper

- art paper

- ashless filter paper

- atlas paper

- autographic printing paper

- azure laid paper

- backing paper

- backlining paper

- bag paper

- bakelite paper

- bank paper

- banknote paper

- barrier coated paper

- baryta paper

- base paper

- bastard paper

- batic paper

- bible paper

- bibulous paper

- bill paper

- black pattern paper

- black photo paper

- black wrapping paper

- blade coated paper

- blank paper

- blank-book paper

- bleached paper

- blotting paper

- blue paper

- blueprint paper

- board paper

- body paper

- bond paper

- book-end paper

- book-lining paper

- book paper

- boxed paper

- Braille paper

- Bristol paper

- broken paper

- bromide paper

- brown paper

- brownprint paper

- brush-coated paper

- bull paper

- bulked paper

- bulking paper

- burlap-lined paper

- burnt paper

- cable paper

- calendered paper

- calendered gravure paper

- calendered letterpress paper

- calf paper

- cameo-coated paper

- candy paper

- cap paper

- capsule-carrying paper

- carbon paper

- carbonless paper

- carbon printing paper

- carborundum paper

- cartridge paper

- caseine-coated paper

- case-lining paper

- casse paper

- cassie paper

- cast-coated paper

- chalk overlay paper

- chart paper

- chemical transfer paper

- chemical wood-pulp paper

- check paper

- china paper

- chlorobromide paper

- chroma paper

- chromo paper

- cigarette paper

- clay-coated paper

- closely made paper with moderate finish

- cloth-backed paper

- cloth-centered paper

- cloth-lined paper

- coarse paper

- coarse-grain abrasive paper

- coated paper

- coated free-sheet paper

- coated groundwood paper

- coated litho paper

- coated one-side paper

- coated two-side paper

- cob paper

- collotype paper

- colored printing paper

- condenser paper

- conditioned paper

- conducting paper

- contact paper

- continuous paper

- contrast paper

- converting paper

- coordinate paper

- copy paper

- cork paper

- corn raw paper

- correspondence paper

- corrugated paper

- cotton rag paper

- cover paper

- crayon paper

- cream-laid paper

- cream-wove paper

- crкpe paper

- cross-section paper

- currency paper

- cut sized paper

- cyclostyle raw paper

- Day-glo fluorescent paper

- decalcomania paper

- deckle edged paper

- decorative paper

- design paper

- developing paper

- diazo paper

- diazoprint paper

- diazotype tracing paper

- dielectric paper

- dielectric coated paper

- difficult paper

- diffusion-transfer negative paper

- double-coated paper

- double-sided self-adhesive paper

- double-tone paper

- drafting paper

- drawing paper

- drying paper

- dry mat paper

- dull art paper

- dull coated paper

- dull finished art paper

- duplex paper

- duplicating note paper

- duplicator paper

- dusty paper

- egg-shell paper

- electrical paper

- electrically conductive paper

- electrophotographic paper

- electrostatic recording paper

- elephant paper

- embossed paper

- emery paper

- enamel paper

- end-leaf paper

- endless paper

- English-finish paper

- engraver's paper

- envelope paper

- esparto paper

- extra-supercalendered paper

- Fabriano paper

- facing paper

- fanfold paper

- fashion paper

- featherweight paper

- filigree paper

- filter paper

- fine paper

- finished paper

- fireproof paper

- flat paper

- flatting paper

- flint paper

- flong paper

- floorpost paper

- fluffy paper

- fly-leat paper

- foil paper

- foil raw paper

- food packaging paper

- foolscape paper

- fraud-proof paper

- French-Japan paper

- frisket paper

- garnet paper

- gelatined paper

- geography paper

- glass paper

- glassine paper

- glazed paper

- glazed imitation paper

- glossy paper

- gold paper

- goldenred paper

- granulated paper

- grained paper

- graph paper

- gravure paper

- grease-proof paper

- green paper

- gritty paper

- groundwood paper

- 50 gsm paper

- gummed paper

- gummed label paper

- halftone paper

- halftone coated paper

- handle paper

- hand-made paper

- hard paper

- hard-sized paper

- hard-surfaced paper

- heat-copying paper

- heat seal paper

- heat-sensitive paper

- heavy paper

- heliographic paper

- helioprinting sensitized paper

- high-bulking paper

- high grade paper

- highly-glazed paper

- Holland hand-made paper

- hosiery paper

- hotmelt coated paper

- hot weather type pigment paper

- hydrophilic paper

- illustrated postcard paper

- illustration printing paper

- image bearing paper

- imbibition paper

- imitation art paper

- imitation deckle-edge paper

- imitation hand-made paper

- impregnated paper

- impression paper

- Indian paper

- Indian Oxford paper

- Indian-proof paper

- indicator paper

- insulation paper

- intaglio paper

- interleaving paper

- ion-exchange paper

- ivory paper

- Japan paper

- Japanese paper

- Java paper

- job paper

- job printing paper

- jute paper

- kraft paper

- label paper

- lace paper

- lacquer-coated paper

- laid paper

- laminated paper

- large paper

- lay-out paper

- leaf paper

- ledger paper

- legal paper

- letter paper

- light-weight paper

- linear paper

- linen paper

- lining paper

- linty paper

- lithographic paper

- litmus paper

- loaded paper

- loan paper

- loose paper

- low-grade paper

- luminous paper

- machine-coated paper

- machine-finished paper

- machine-glazed paper

- machine-made paper

- magazine paper

- manifold paper

- manila paper

- map paper

- marble paper

- marbling paper

- masking paper

- mat art paper

- match label paper

- matrix paper

- mat surface paper

- mechanical transfer paper

- mechanical wood-pulp paper

- metal paper

- metal base paper

- metallic paper

- metal-mounted paper

- mica paper

- mill-conditioned paper

- mill-finished litho paper

- mill-tinted paper

- mimeograph paper

- modified paper

- monotype paper

- mottled paper

- multigraph paper

- multiply paper

- music paper

- music printing paper

- napkin paper

- natural colored paper

- NCR paper

- no carbon required paper

- needle paper

- negative paper

- neutral pH paper

- news paper

- noiseless paper

- nonabsorbent paper

- nonbibulous paper

- noncurling paper

- normal-type pigment paper

- note paper

- not surface paper

- odd-sized paper

- off-caliper paper

- office paper

- official paper

- offset paper

- oil paper

- oil cloth paper

- oiled paper

- oil-impregnated paper

- oil tracing paper

- old paper

- one-side art paper

- one-side glazed paper

- one-time carbon paper

- onion skin paper

- ordinary paper

- ornamental paper

- packing paper

- packaging paper

- page paper

- papyroline paper

- paraffined paper

- parchment paper

- parchmentizing paper

- parliamentary paper

- paste-board work paper

- pasted paper

- peel-off backing paper

- perforated paper

- photograph paper

- photographic raw paper

- photogravure pigment paper

- photolitho paper

- phototypesetting paper

- pigment paper

- pigmented gelatin-coated paper

- pigmented offset paper

- pigment printing raw paper

- plain paper

- plastic paper

- plastic-coated paper

- plotting paper

- point paper

- porous paper

- poster paper

- preimpregnated paper

- preservative paper

- pressure-sensitive paper

- pressure-sensitive carbon paper

- printed paper

- printing paper

- printing-out paper

- process-coated paper

- processed paper

- production-coated paper

- program paper

- proof paper

- publication paper

- pulp-colored paper

- punched paper

- pure paper

- pure-rag paper

- pyroxylin-coated paper

- qualitative filter paper

- quantitative filter paper

- rag paper

- raw paper

- reagent paper

- record paper

- recycled paper

- red matrix paper

- reeled paper

- reflex paper

- reinforced paper

- release paper

- resin-sized paper

- resistant paper

- reversal paper

- rice paper

- roll paper

- rotogravure paper

- rough paper

- royal paper

- ruled paper

- safety paper

- safety check paper

- satin paper

- scrap paper

- section paper

- security paper

- self-adhesive paper

- self-copy paper

- sensitive paper

- sensitized paper

- set-off preventive paper

- sheet paper

- silicone-coated paper

- silicone-treated paper

- silk paper

- silver paper

- sized paper

- slack sized paper

- small cap paper

- small hands paper

- smooth paper

- soft paper

- soft-sized paper

- special paper

- specially sized paper

- sprocketed paper

- squared paper

- stained paper

- stale paper

- stamp paper

- stamped paper

- starch paper

- stencil paper

- stout paper

- strong paper

- sunday paper

- super paper

- supercalendered paper

- superroyal paper

- surface-sized paper

- synthetic paper

- synthetic fiber paper

- tea paper

- tea label paper

- technical paper

- Teledeltos paper

- texture paper

- thermoplastic adhesive paper

- thermosensitive paper

- thick printing paper

- thin printing paper

- ticket paper

- tinted paper

- tissue paper

- title paper

- tobacco paper

- top packing paper

- top quality paper

- torchon paper

- tough paper

- tracing paper

- transfer paper

- translucent paper

- transparent paper

- tub-sized paper

- turmeric paper

- twin-wire paper

- two-side coated paper

- tympan paper

- uncalendered paper

- uncoated paper

- uncoated free-sheet paper

- unglazed paper

- unglued paper

- unsized paper

- Van Dyke paper

- variable contrast paper

- vat paper

- vegetable parchment paper

- vellum paper

- wall paper

- waste paper

- waterproof paper

- wavy edge paper

- waxed paper

- weak paper

- web paper

- white paper

- whity brown paper

- wire-laid paper

- woodfree paper

- wood-pulp paper

- wove paper

- wrapping paper

- writing paper

- zinc oxide paper

English-Russian dictionary of printing and publishing.      Англо-Русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу.