1) взаимнообратный 2) взаимный 3) возвратно-поступательный 4) возвратный 5) двойственный 6) обоюдный 7) матем. обратная величина 8) обратный 9) ответный 10) реципрокный • gnomonic reciprocal projection — взаимная гномоническая проекция reciprocal lattice vector — вектор обратной решетки reciprocal polar figures — взаимно полярные фигуры reciprocal radio bearing — обратный радиопеленг reciprocal transfer ratio — тех. коэффициент преобразования двойной reciprocal trigonometric leveling — нивелирование геодезическое двусторонее two-sided reciprocal matrix — двусторонняя обратная матрица - negative reciprocal - polar reciprocal - reciprocal action - reciprocal basis - reciprocal bearing - reciprocal circuit - reciprocal coefficient - reciprocal complexes - reciprocal cone - reciprocal correspondence - reciprocal curve - reciprocal derivative - reciprocal determinant - reciprocal difference - reciprocal differential - reciprocal directions - reciprocal distribution - reciprocal dyadic - reciprocal element - reciprocal endomorphism - reciprocal equation - reciprocal expression - reciprocal filter - reciprocal form - reciprocal formula - reciprocal fraction - reciprocal function - reciprocal ideal - reciprocal kernel - reciprocal lattice - reciprocal length - reciprocal matrix - reciprocal moment - reciprocal multiplication - reciprocal network - reciprocal number - reciprocal of number - reciprocal operator - reciprocal path - reciprocal polar - reciprocal polyhedrons - reciprocal polynomial - reciprocal polytope - reciprocal process - reciprocal projection - reciprocal proportion - reciprocal quantity - reciprocal radius - reciprocal ratio - reciprocal representation - reciprocal scale - reciprocal sequence - reciprocal series - reciprocal sighting - reciprocal solubility - reciprocal space - reciprocal spiral - reciprocal substitution - reciprocal transformation - reciprocal two-port - reciprocal value - reciprocal variable - reciprocal vector
Англо-русский перевод RECIPROCAL
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005