Meaning of IN PLACE in English

in place 1 adv. phr. 1a. In the right or usual place or position. Nothing is in place after the earthquake. Even trees and houses are turned over. The picture is not in place on the wall. It is crooked. 1b. In one place. Our first exercise in gym class was running in place. 2. In proper order. Stay in place in line, children.

Compare: IN ORDER.

Antonym: OUT OF PLACE.

in place 2 adj. phr. In the right place or at the right time; suitable; timely. A dog is not in place in a church. Linda wondered if it would be in place to wish the bride good luck after the wedding.

Compare: IN ORDER 1 .

Antonym: OUT OF PLACE.

American idioms English vocabulary.      Английский словарь американских идиом.