In botany, an adhesive substance of vegetable origin, mostly obtained as exudate from the bark of trees or shrubs belonging to the pea family.
Gum arabic (from a species of acacia ) is used in lithography. Gum tragacanth (from several shrub species in the genus Astragalus ) is used as a coating and binding agent in pill manufacture, as an emulsifier in processed foods, and as a thickener in sauces. Some plant gums are used in the manufacture of cosmetics.
or gingiva
Mucous-membrane-covered connective tissue attached to and surrounding the necks of the teeth and the alveolar bone of the jaw.
The edges of the gums around the teeth are free and extend into the spaces between the teeth. Fibres of the ligament that holds the teeth in their sockets enter the gum and hold it tightly against the teeth. Pink, speckled, and tough, healthy gums have limited sensitivity to pain, temperature, and pressure. Changes in colour, loss of speckling, or abnormal sensitivity are early signs of gingivitis, in which pockets form between the gum and teeth and become infected, with inflammation, bleeding, and, in severe cases, loss of teeth.
[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)
black gum
{{link=chewing gum">chewing gum
Gum Nebula