Meaning of ADAMS, BROOKS in English

born June 24, 1848, Quincy, Mass., U.S. died Feb. 13, 1927, Boston historian who questioned the success of democracy in the U.S. and who related the march of civilization to the westward movement of trade centres. Adams graduated from Harvard in 1870 and practiced law in Boston until 1881. Son of the diplomat Charles Francis Adams and grandson of Pres. John Quincy Adams, he was enabled by a substantial inheritance to travel extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and India. Adams was particularly close to his brother Henry, a distinguished historian. Through an active correspondence they developed the idea-revolutionary at the time-that by its nature and substance U.S. democracy was foreordained to degradation and decay. In 1895 he published his Law of Civilization and Decay, in which he expounded his theory of history. It held that the centre of trade had consistently followed a westward movement from the ancient crossroads in the East to Constantinople, Venice, Amsterdam, and finally to London, in accord with a law relating to the density of populations and the development of new and centralizing techniques of trade and industry. His America's Economic Supremacy (1900) accurately foresaw that within 50 years there would be in the world only two powers, Russia and the United States, the latter possessing economic supremacy. In 1913 he published The Theory of Social Revolutions, a study of defects in the American form of government, developing the idea of the imminent danger in the existence of great wealth that exerted private power but declined to accept responsibility. After Henry Adams' death, Adams prepared for publication his brother's book The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma (1919), for which he wrote the introduction-a kind of family chronicle that began with John Quincy Adams' troubles and ended with the renunciation by the two grandsons of the democratic dogma. For most of his life Adams had been an agnostic and a profound skeptic; the roots of his Puritan ancestry were deep, however, and he returned in his last years to the church at Quincy to publicly profess his faith.

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