in theatre, originally a supplemental performance by an actor or actress, who kept all or part of the proceeds to compensate for insufficient salary. In modern times a benefit performance is given by an actor, entertainer, or company of them to benefit a charitable organization, which may sell tickets and keep the proceeds; or, less strictly, it is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and raises funds by selling tickets at a full or premium price. From the Restoration to the close of the 19th century an actor was hired for one or two years with a contracted salary and a guarantee of at least one benefit performance a year. Although each benefit performance was a gamble, the benefit system in England usually increased an actor's income. It also, however, authorized managers to lower salaries. The year 1685 marked the first benefit for an actor, given for a Mrs. Barry, whose performance elicited "extraordinary applause." She remained the sole beneficiary of this new system until ten years later, when financial woes affected many actors' salaries. The benefit system soon became a test of an actor's success or, more likely, of his popularity. The system forced actors to solicit their friends and acquaintances to buy tickets. The benefit system varied with each theatre, and there were several types of benefit. The clear benefit, coveted by all performers, provided the actor with the full proceeds of his performance, the management agreeing to pay all additional charges. With a half-clear benefit, the actor divided the gross income with the manager. The benefit proper stipulated that the actor pay for use of the theatre, receiving all profits above that. With a half benefit, all profits above the costs of production were split between the actor and manager. Occasionally, several actors shared a benefit in a joint benefit performance. Although these were the most common practices, there were some instances of two-thirds benefits. In some cases, the player had to compensate the manager if ticket sales for a benefit fell below regular box-office returns. The use of benefits declined in the 1860s, when practice in theatrical engagements switched from seasonal contracts to terms based on the length of time a play ran. This change justified managers in paying higher salaries during a profitable run and none when a play's audience disappeared.
Meaning of BENEFIT PERFORMANCE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012