Meaning of BIBER, HEINRICH in English

born Aug. 12, 1644, Wartenberg, Bohemia, Austrian Habsburg domain [now in Czech Republic] died May 3, 1704, Salzburg in full Heinrich Ignaz Franz Von Biber composer and one of the outstanding violin virtuosos of the Baroque era. Biber spent most of his life at the court of the archbishop of Salzburg, rising from a humble position to that of high steward and musical director (1676). He also traveled widely as a virtuoso. Biber composed mainly for his own instrument. His sonatas for violin and clavier and his sonatas for solo violin with continuo are well constructed and of some technical difficulty. They show development of the violin's resources, especially the use of scordatura (abnormal tuning for special effects). His most famous works are the 15 Mystery Sonatas on events in the life of Mary, and his Passacaglia in G Minor for unaccompanied violin. He also composed chamber works, concerti, and a few stage works, including an opera, Chi la dura, la vince (1687).

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