born Dec. 13, 1797, Dsseldorf, Prussia died Feb. 17, 1856, Paris in full Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, original name (until 1825) Harry Heine German poet whose international literary reputation and influence were established by the Buch der Lieder (1827; The Book of Songs), frequently set to music, though the more sombre poems of his last years are also highly regarded. Additional reading Gottfried Wilhelm and Eberhard Galley, Heine-Bibliographie (1817-1953), 2 vol. (1960); Siegfried Seifert, Heine-Bibliographie 1954-1964 (1968). Manuscripts, papers, and memorabilia. The major collections of materials are in the Heine Archive of the Landes- und Stadtbibliothek, Dsseldorf; in the Bibliothque Nationale in Paris; and in the Nationale Forschungs- und Gedenksttten der klassischen deutschen Literatur in Weimar. Manuscript materials are also at Harvard and Yale universities. Since 1962 the Dsseldorf archive has published a Heine-Jahrbuch with a running annual bibliography. Editions Ernest Elster (ed.), Smtliche Werke, 7 vol. (1887-90); Oskar Walzel et al. (eds.), Smtliche Werke, 10 vol. (1910-15; index volume, 1920); Hans Kaufmann (ed.), Werke und Briefe, 10 vol. (1961-64); Friedrich Hirth (ed.), Briefe, 6 vol. (1950-51), letters. New critical editions began publication in Dsseldorf and Weimar in 1976 and 1970, respectively. Biographies Adolf Strodtmann, Heinrich Heines Leben und Werke, 2nd ed., 2 vol. (1873-74), the first and, in some ways, still the best comprehensive biography; Ludwig Marcuse, Heinrich Heine: Ein Leben zwischen Gestern und Morgen (1932; Heine: A Life Between Love and Hate, 1933); Louis Untermeyer, Heinrich Heine: Paradox and Poet, vol. 1, The Life (1937), a companion volume to the translation of poems; E.M. Butler, Heinrich Heine: A Biography (1956); H.H. Houben, Gesprche mit Heine (1926), a compendium of contemporaries' recollections and a valuable biographical sourcebook; Fritz Mende, Heinrich Heine, Chronik seines Lebens und Werkes (1970), a day-by-day account of all known events and activities in Heine's life; Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine: A Modern Biography (1979), covers controversies arising after World War II. Critical studies. Barker Fairley, Heinrich Heine: An Interpretation (1954); William Rose, Heinrich Heine: Two Studies of His Thought and Feeling (1956); S.S. Prawer, Heine: The Tragic Satirist (1961); Laura Hofrichter, Heinrich Heine (1963); Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine: The Elusive Poet (1969). Major Works: Gedichte (1821), first collection of poems; Tragdien nebst einem lyrischen Intermezzo (1823), the tragedies were Almansor and William Ratcliff; Reisebilder, vol. 1: "Die Heimkehr," "Die Harzreise," "Nordsee I," first of the "North Sea" cycles (1826); vol. 2: "Nordsee II," "Nordsee III," "Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand," "Briefe aus Berlin" (1827); vol. 3 included "Reise von Mnchen nach Genoa" and "Die Bder von Lucca" (1829); vol. 4 included "Die Stadt Lucca" and "Englische Fragmente" (1831); Buch der Lieder (1827), poems; Franzsische Zustnde (1832), a collection of political essays; Zur Geschichte der neueren schnen Literatur in Deutschland (1833), on contemporary German literature; reprinted and expanded in Die Romantische Schule (1835); Der Salon, 4 vol. (1834-40), vol. 1 included a description of French painting, the "Salon" of 1831, a collection of poems, and "Aus den Memoiren des Herren von Schnabelewopski"; vol. 2 (1835) consisted largely of a synopsis of the history of religion and philosophy in Germany, "Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland"; vol. 3 (1837) contained two prose works, "Elementargeister" and "Florentinische Nchte"; vol. 4 (1840) included "Vertraute Briefe ber die franzsische Bhne" and the opening chapters of the novel Der Rabbi von Bacherach; Ludwig Brne, eine Denkschrift (1840); Deutschland. Ein Wintermrchen (1844), satirical verse; Neue Gedichte (1844), second collection of shorter poems; Atta Troll. Ein Sommernachtstraum (1847), mock-epic poem; Der Doktor Faust. Ein Tanzpoem (1851); Romanzero (1851), included the "Historien," "Lamentationen," and "Hebrische Melodien"; Gedichte 1853 und 1854 (1854); Lutezia (1854), political essays written 1840-43; Vermischte Schriften (1854), included "Gestndnisse" and "Gtter im Exil." Translations. Heinrich Heine: The Poems, trans. by Louis Untermeyer (1937), is the most comprehensive English translation of Heine's poetry; various of Heine's works have been translated into English many times and into some 50 other languages. Other notable English translations are: The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine, ed. by Havelock Ellis (1887); The Works of Heinrich Heine, trans. by C.G. Leland et al., 12 vol. (1892-1905); The Poems of Heine, trans. by E.A. Bowring (1859); and Heinrich Heine: The North Sea, trans. by Vernon Watkins (1951).
Meaning of HEINE, HEINRICH in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012