Meaning of BULL SNAKE in English

(Pituophis melanoleucus), North American constrictor of the family Colubridae. The species is called bull snake over much of its range, but western subspecies often are called gopher snakes, and those of the east and south are known as pine snakes. The species is rather heavy-bodied and small-headed and may reach 1.5 m (5 feet) in length. Typical coloration is yellowish brown or creamy, with dark blotches. The nose shield is enlarged for digging. Bull snakes can be found in sandy, open country and in pine barrens, where they capture ground-nesting birds and burrowing mammals. In defense they hiss loudly and thrash about while vibrating the tail. Bull snakes are, therefore, frequently mistaken for rattlesnakes. Bull snakes may bite, but they are not venomous.

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