Meaning of MAN'YO-SHU in English

(Japanese: Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves), oldest (c. 759) and greatest of the imperial anthologies of Japanese poetry. Among the 4,500 poems are some from the 7th century and perhaps earlier. It was celebrated through the centuries for its man'yo spirit, a simple freshness and sincere emotive power not seen later in more polished and stylized Japanese verse. The poems, however, are far from naive; although the written language still contained certain technical crudities, and some Chinese stylistic influence may be seen, in the Man'yo-shu a sophisticated poetic tradition is already evident. The language of the Man'yo-shu has offered scholars technical difficulties almost from the time of its compilation; the unique man'yo gana writing system, a combination of Chinese characters used both phonetically and semantically, in both Japanese and Chinese syntax, posed many problems, some of which yet remain. Among the outstanding poets represented are Otomo Yakamochi, Kakinomoto Hitomaro, and Yamanoue Okura, all of whom flourished in the 8th century. The best English translation, by H.H. Fonda, was published in 1967.

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