Synonyms and related words :
Achilles, Adam, Adamite, Australanthropus, Australopithecus, Barbary ape, Casanova, Chiroptera, Cro-Magnon man, David, Don Juan, Galley Hill man, Gigantopithecus, Grimaldi man, Hector, Heidelberg man, Hominidae, Homo sapiens, John Law, Lagomorpha, Lothario, Neanderthal man, Oreopithecus, Paranthropus, Peking man, Pithecanthropus, Plesianthropus, Primates, Rhodesian man, Rodentia, Roland, Romeo, Samson, Sinanthropus, Stone Age man, Swanscombe man, Zinjanthropus, a man, accouter, adherent, adult, amoroso, angwantibo, anthropoid ape, ape, appendage, appoint, arm, armor, armor-plate, aye-aye, baboon, bank, barricade, battle, beau, being, benedict, bishop, blockade, bloke, bluecoat, body, boy, boyfriend, brave, buck, bull, bulldog, bulwark, butler, caballero, capuchin, castellate, castle, cat, cavalier, cavaliere servente, caveman, chacma, chap, character, chauffeur, chessman, chimpanzee, chutzpanik, clay, coachman, cop, cover, creature, crenellate, crew, cuss, customer, dangler, decorated hero, demigod, demigoddess, dependent, dig in, disciple, dress, drill, driver, duck, dummy, earthling, embattle, entellus, entrench, eolithic man, equerry, equip, esquire, fallen humanity, fancy man, fellow, fence, fighting cock, figurehead, fit, fit out, fit up, flame, flatfoot, flesh, flunky, follower, fortify, furnish, fuzz, gallant, galoot, gamecock, gardener, garrison, gear, gee, geezer, generation of man, gent, gentleman, genus Homo, gibbon, gigolo, gillie, good soldier, goodman, goody, goon, gorilla, groundling, grown man, grownup, guenon, guereza, guy, hand, hanger-on, hanuman, he, head, heat, heel, heeler, henchman, hero, heroine, him, his, hombre, hominid, homme, homo, houseboy, houseman, hubby, human, human being, human family, human nature, human race, human species, humanity, humankind, husband, inamorato, individual, jackal, joker, king, knight, lackey, lady-killer, langur, le genre humain, legalis homo, lemur, life, lion, living soul, lord, lord-in-waiting, love-maker, macaque, major, male, male being, male person, male sex, man of courage, man the garrison, mandrill, manhood, mankind, manservant, marmoset, married man, masculine, master, mature man, men, menfolk, menfolks, mine, minion, mister, mortal, mortal flesh, mortality, mortals, mountain gorilla, munition, myrmidon, necker, neolithic man, no chicken, nose, officer, old man, one, orang, orangutan, outfit, paladin, palisade, paramour, party, pawn, people, person, personage, personality, petter, philanderer, piece, pig, prepare, proboscis monkey, puppet, queen, race of man, retainer, rhesus, rig, rig out, rig up, rook, saki, satellite, seducer, servant, shadow, sheik, single, skate, snap, somebody, someone, soul, squire, staff, stalwart, stooge, sugar daddy, swain, sword side, sycophant, tagtail, tellurian, terran, the brave, thug, tiger, turn out, valet, valet de chambre, valiant, valiant knight, votary, wall, ward heeler, woman, worldling, young man