( familyPlatanistidae ) any of four or five species of small, usually freshwater aquatic mammals that are related to whales (order Cetacea). These dolphins are found in rivers of south-central Asia, China, and South America and in the coastal waters of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. River dolphins have long beaks and rounded foreheads, distinguishing them from more familiar-looking dolphins such as the bottle-nosed dolphin of the family Delphinidae. Less athletic than most other dolphins, river dolphins do not make sensational leaps and dives. Instead, they spend much of their time at river bottoms, probing with sensitive snouts for mud-loving fish and crustaceans. Despite having small eyes (Ganges and Indus river dolphins' eyes even lack a lens), river dolphins navigate muddy waters with ease thanks to exquisite sonarperhaps the best among all the cetaceans. They are often friendly and curious toward people. The largest and most cosmopolitan species is the Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). Also called boto, bufeo, and pink dolphin, it is common in the turbid waters of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. A male Amazon river dolphin can grow to over 2.4 metres (8 feet) and 160 kg (350 pounds); females are slightly smaller. Its colour can vary from dark gray to mottled pink-and-gray to bright pink. The young are gray. Corpulent but extremely flexible, this dolphin navigates with the grace of a flying bird among the branches of submerged trees when annual rains flood the forest. Amazon river dolphins are usually seen in groups. They often swim and play with another small dolphin, the tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis), which is found in both fresh and marine waters and is not classed with river dolphins. In some parts of the Amazon, river dolphins will herd fish into fishermen's nets; in other areas, they will raid the nets instead. The smallest river dolphin species, the La Plata river dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), also lives in South America. Also known as the franciscana, it inhabits the coastal waters of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Gray above and pale below, this little dolphin grows only 1.21.7 metres (45.6 feet) long and weighs 2060 kg (45135 pounds). Females are larger than males. The Ganges river dolphin, or susu (Platanista gangetica), inhabits the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Karnaphuli, and Meghna rivers and their tributaries in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. Adults can be nearly 3 metres (10 feet) long. This dark-coloured dolphin frequently swims on its side, trailing a flipper to probe the bottom for fish, shrimp, and mollusks. Its close relative, Platanista minor (Indus river dolphin, bulhan, and Indus susu), is sometimes classified with P. gangetica and found only in Pakistan. Both species are endangered because of heavy industrial river traffic, hunting for meat and oil, and construction of dams that restrict migration. The baiji, or Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer), is the most endangered cetacean; fewer than 300 survive in the crowded, polluted waters of the Yangtze River. Pale blue-gray above and lighter below, it grows to 2.4 metres. Drainage patterns Distinctive patterns are acquired by stream networks in consequence of adjustment to geologic structure. In the early history of a network, and also when erosion is reactivated by earth movement or a fall in sea level, downcutting by trunk streams and extension of tributaries are most rapid on weak rocks, especially if these are impermeable, and along master joints and faults. Tributaries from those streams that cut and grow the fastest encroach on adjacent basins, eventually capturing parts of the competing networks therein. In this way, the principal valleys with their main drainage lines come to reflect the structural pattern. Flat-lying sedimentary rocks devoid of faults and strong joints and the flat glacial deposits of the Pleistocene Epoch (from 2,500,000 to 10,000 years ago) exert no structural control at all: this is reflected in branching networks. A variant pattern, in which trunk streams run subparallel, can occur on tilted strata. Rectangular patterns form where drainage lines are adjusted to sets of faults and marked joints that intersect at about right angles, as in some parts of ancient crustal blocks. The pattern is varied where the regional angle of structural intersection changes. Radial drainage is typical of volcanic cones, so long as they remain more or less intact. Erosion to the skeletal state often leaves the plug standing in high relief, ringed by concentric valleys developed in thick layers of ash. Similarly, on structural domes where the rocks of the core vary in strength, valleys and master streams locate on weak outcrops in annular patterns. Centripetal patterns are produced where drainage converges on a single outlet or sink, as in some craters, eroded structural domes with weak cores, parts of some limestone country, and enclosed desert depressions. Trellis (or espalier) drainage patterns result from adjustment to tight regional folding in which the folds plunge. Denudation produces a zigzag pattern of outcrops, and adjustment to this pattern produces a stream net in which the trunks are aligned on weak rocks exposed along fold axes and small feeder streams run down the sides of ridges cut on the stronger formations. Deranged patterns, in which channels are interrupted by lakes and swamps, characterize areas of modest relief from which continental ice has recently disappeared. These patterns may be developed either on the irregular surface of a till sheet (heterogeneous glacial deposit) or on the ice-scoured expanse of a planated crystalline block. Where a till sheet has been molded into drumlins (inverted-spoon-shaped forms that have been molded by moving ice), the postglacial drainage can approach a rectangular pattern. In glaciated highland, postglacial streams can pass anomalously through gaps if the divides have been breached by ice, and sheet glaciation of lowland country necessarily involves major derangement of river networks near the ice front. At the other climatic extreme, organized networks in dry climates can be deranged by desiccation, which breaks down the existing continuity of a net. The largely linear systems of ephemeral lakes in inland Western Australia have been referred to this process. Adjustment to bedrock structure can be lost if earth movement raises folds or moves faults across drainage lines without actually diverting them; streams that maintain their courses across the new structures are called antecedent. Adjustment is lost on a regional scale when the drainage cuts down through an unconformity into an under-mass with structures differing greatly from those of the cover: the drainage then becomes superimposed. Where the cover is simple in structure and provides a regional slope for trunk drainage, remnants of the original pattern may persist long after superimposition and the total destruction of the cover, providing the means to reconstruct the earlier network. Horton's laws of drainage composition Great advances in the analysis of drainage nets were made by Robert E. Horton, an American hydraulic engineer who developed the fundamental concept of stream order: An unbranched headstream is designated as a first-order stream. Two unbranched headstreams unite to form a second-order stream; two second-order streams unite to form a third-order stream, and so on. Regardless of the entry of first- and second-order tributaries, a third-order stream will not pass into the fourth order until it is joined by another third-order confluent. Stream number is the total number of streams of a given order for a given drainage basin. The bifurcation ratio is the ratio of the number of streams in a given order to the number in the next higher order. By definition, the value of this ratio cannot fall below 2.0, but it can rise higher, since streams greater than first order can receive low-order tributaries without being promoted up the hierarchy. Some estimates for large continental extents give bifurcation ratios of 4.0 or more (see below Sediment yield and sediment load). Although the number system given here, and nowadays in common use, differs from Horton's original in the treatment of trunk streams, Horton's laws of drainage composition still hold, namely: 1. Law of stream numbers: the numbers of streams of different orders in a given drainage basin tend closely to approximate an inverse geometric series in which the first term is unity and the ratio is the bifurcation ratio. 2. Law of stream lengths: the average lengths of streams of each of the different orders in a drainage basin tend closely to approximate a direct geometric series in which the first term is the average length of streams of the first order. These laws are readily illustrated by plots of number and average length (on logarithmic scales) against order (on an arithmetic scale). The plotted points lie on, or close to, straight lines. The orderly relationships thus indicated are independent of network pattern. They demonstrate exponential relationships. Horton also concluded that stream slopes, expressed as tangents, decrease exponentially with increase in stream order. The systematic relationships identified by Horton are independent of network pattern: they greatly facilitate comparative studies, such as those of the influences of lithology and climate. Horton's successors have extended analysis through a wide range of basin geometry, showing that stream width, mean discharge, and length of main stem can also be expressed as exponential functions of order, and drainage area and channel slope as power functions. Slope and discharge can in turn be expressed as power functions of width and drainage area, respectively. The exponential relationships expressed by network morphometry are particular examples of the working of fundamental growth laws. In this respect, they relate drainage-net analysis to network analysis and topology in general.
Meaning of RIVER DOLPHIN in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012