Meaning of TOURS, BATTLE OF in English

also called Battle of Poitiers (October 732), victory won by Charles Martel, the de facto ruler of the Frankish kingdoms, over Muslim invaders from Spain. The battlefield cannot be exactly located, but it was fought somewhere between Tours and Poitiers, in what is now west-central France. 'Abd-ar-Rahman, the Muslim governor of Crdoba, had invaded Aquitaine (present southwestern France) and defeated its duke, Eudes. Eudes appealed for help to Charles, who stationed his forces to defend the city of Tours from the northward progress of the Muslims. According to tradition, the Muslim cavalry attacks broke upon Charles's massed infantry, and after 'Abd-ar-Rahman was killed in the fighting, the Arabs retired southward. There were no further Muslim invasions of Frankish territory, and Charles's victory has often been regarded as decisive for world history, since it preserved western Europe from Muslim conquest and Islamization. The victory also served to consolidate Charles's leadership of the Franks, and he was able to assert his authority in Aquitaine, where Eudes swore allegiance to him.

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