Meaning of WINNIPEG RIVER in English

river in southeastern Manitoba and western Ontario, Canada. The river issues from the Lake of the Woods along the CanadaU.S. border and flows generally northwestward through several lakes for about 200 miles (320 km), draining an area of 48,880 square miles (126,600 square km) before it enters the southeastern end of Lake Winnipeg near Pine Falls. One of its tributaries, the Firesteel River, rises near Lake Superior; together, the rivers served as a 475-mile (765-kilometre) route for explorers and fur traders after they had been navigated in 1733 by the French voyageurs La Vrendrye and La Jemeraye. Numerous falls and rapids on the Winnipeg's lower course hinder navigation but provide hydroelectric power for most of Manitoba. Power plants are located at Seven Sisters Falls, Great Falls, Pointe du Bois, Slave Falls, Pine Falls, and McArthur Falls. Canada's only tantalum mine operates at Bernic Lake, north of Whiteshell Provincial Park (1,056 square miles) and southeast of Nopiming Provincial Park (550 square miles).

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